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Hunters are the protectors of the pack.


| Vixen's POV

The following day, I was prepared to meet the tiger shifter. Despite everything I've learned from Alpha Zylon, I still want to train. No one in this pack would step up and help me. Fear strikes me as I begin to imagine the tiger just shredding apart the flesh of the fallen warriors. I wonder what it is like to be feared. I want to experience that for myself. I want to feel that power hunger like others do.

Maybe I'm being a little crazy.

I don't exactly want to be feared but satisfied to the point where other wolves would look in my direction and know not to do anything. If that make sense?

Of course it make sense. I mean, why wouldn't it? I guess that's the ideal of respect.

I am subjected to the image of weakness by nature and I refuse to accept it anymore. I want to be strong, resilient, and courageous.

I put on a plain white shirt with black pants then I decide to race out of my room, seeing that my parent's room door is still closed. As I turn the corner towards the front door, I bump into my father.

He slowly turns around with a cup in his hand and a liquid stain on his shirt. I smile nervously at him while his shows annoyance. "Didn't exactly see you there.. haha.."

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" he asks, raising a eyebrow. I look everywhere but into his eyes, "I'm just going out. I can't be stuck in here. My thoughts will eat at me." Which isn't a complete fib. If I stay alone for too long, my thoughts start going ballistic then I get depressed.

"Don't do anything stupid," he gave me one last look before walking around me to go do whatever dads do.

Unfortunately, I can't promise that.

As I exit the house, there's a bunch of wolves walking around. Some walking with another wolf. I could tell they were communicating through the pack link.

I decide to try and avoid as much confrontation as possible. Since Alpha Zylon decided to leave the pack to visit other packs, everyone has kinda been less tense. Despite the threat that was given, the two traitors were thrown into confinement until he returns.

"I need healers! Healers quick!" My head turns to the direction of the panic shouting. There were three men carrying one who looks badly bruised.

I should mind my business.

"What happened?!" Meiko quickly walks out of the pack daycare. "Tiger attack." One answered.

That caught my ear.

I walk a little closer to the group of men laying one of our pack members down. No, this wasn't just any pack member. This was our beta.

"What happened?" Meiko repeats as she swiftly takes off her medical bag, sitting it next to Eskimo's trembling body.

"We told you-," one of the males that was carrying our beta says.

"No! I need more details. Did you all go into his territory? Please tell me you didn't," Meiko was talking faster than usual.

"We.." They gave each other a glance before turning back to one of our top healers in the pack. "We were trying to cover more ground and he was so fast. It was.. too late. Eskimo was injured saving Kaiger. We strayed a little too far from the group."

"Skull, you all know better." Meiko was starting to get angry which was rare.

Does he have a grudge against Eskimo? If what Alpha Zylon said was true then this would be the second time he was injured by the tiger shifter.

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now