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Te amo.


| Thierno's POV

Death is inevitable.
There's a slight line between reality and existing. My sole purpose in this damned world was to locate my mate, kill him then free myself of this curse. Now, my plan is entirely ruined due to my infatuation with that omega.

That night I was suppose to rid of his existence and everything would have fell into place.

The innocence pouring from his eyes..

It allowed me to see that there's good in this world but it's slowly fading, one by one, due to the incapabilities of feeling solicitude.

I felt.. sympathy for him. Not for the right reasons but for being mated to a proclaimed narcissistic, precipitous man like myself.

My mate would soon learn that there's no such thing as peace in a world full of people who were raised from the acts of depredation.

I learned that the hard way.

Which is why I'm where I am now.

I held Cicero's decapitated head as I walk through the cold streets of the Moon Kingdom. There were many families out today as they were celebrating a holiday that only resided in their culture.

It's a shame that they'll soon be meeting death themselves.

It was only until a little girl turns around to see the virtue's lifeless face that she began screaming, alerting everyone in the area of what was now amongst them.

Everyone immediately fled the scene. Women carrying their children whilst the men grabbed any weapon they could find.

How typical.

I didn't have the time to entertain their shenanigans. A headache grew with haste since Tiberias was trying to force his way out of unconsciousness.

I had a day left.. maybe before he was strong enough to force me back into that unbearable sleep.

As the sweet sound of alarms began ringing, many guards started surrounding my mother's castle.

I loved it when they tried to fight back but it would be pointless to take their lives.

"Can one of you fine men tell my mother that I have a sweet present for her? I know it's not even close to her birthday but I'm feeling generous." I smile, holding the virtue's head up for all to see.

The guards look at each other then pointed their spears at me. "Stay right there!! You're not allowed to step any further from where you are!"

"Hold your weapons." My mother suddenly appears behind the guards with her chin up, showing her royalty. Her heels clicked against the ground as she approaches me, "What have you done, my son?" Disappointment and despair drips from her tongue.

"He threatened my mate and now I'm returning him." I toss the corpse on the ground, watching the head roll towards her, stopping directly in front of her foot.

Anger and betrayal brews in her eyes as the wind began blowing aggressively. Her white hair was whipping in circles as she opens her arms, "You will pay the price of breaking the treaty and taking the life of a virtue."

I was starting to get excited.

"Ah ah, your virtuous servant was a participant in the death of many mortals. I nearly took care of your job for you." I explain, watching my mother before me get flustered.

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now