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I'm gonna love you like a black widow, baby.


| Vixen's POV

Mercy held a towel up for me as he smiles down at me. I covered my tender chest while hoisting myself out of the tub. I gently grab the towel, wrapping it around my drenched body.

I didn't feel uncomfortable around him anymore and I couldn't tell if it was because he's so nice or that it's because of his virtue.

Mercy runs his fingers through my hair, planting me in front of the mirror. While I stared at myself, I didn't look the same. My hips were slightly wider and my chest felt plumper, almost swollen..

"Your body is preparing for your baby." He whispers into my ear as he began blow drying my hair while sliding his slick fingers through the strands. "Thierno and Tiberias will be joining us on our trip to your pack today. Excited?"

"Yes." I was excited that they were going to finally meet my parents but I wasn't too excited about the fact that Thierno could possibly be recognized for killing two of my pack members and hurting my beta twice.

There was a silence that lasted far too long between us. Since he was the one always initiating the conversation; I ask, "How did you find out that Mythos was your mate?"

The virtue let out a soft smile while staring at me through the mirror. "He knew that I was his mate from the day I was brought into this world. According to Mythos, I was made just for him."

"I don't get that. How can they know their mate before touching or.. smelling them when us regular folk have no idea until then?" My eyebrow quirked.

"I have no idea, Vixen. I'm not complaining though. Mythos is a great mate for me." He turns the hair dryer off, placing it back under the sink.

"He seems a bit.. heartless, don't ya think?" I chose my words wisely, trying not to anger the virtue.

"He's not. He just has different ideals and views. Of course anyone who goes against it will be dealt with.." Mercy sighs. "I'm just not judging him. We all have our differences."

I shook my head, taking a step away from him. "He wants to do something with Thierno in the future. I know it. Mercy, you know your mate."

"I do and I know he wouldn't do anything that wasn't the best for this world." Mercy kept smiling at me even while we were discussing a serious topic.

It's like he was forcing it...

"Okay." I let it go for the better. Obviously he'd defend his mate no matter what. Shoot, I'd be a hypocrite to say I wouldn't.

Tiberias forced our link open, "Thierno and I are downstairs waiting on you."

"Okay," I replied through the link. I was about to disconnect us until Nitro spoke, "We're returning this bitch, right?"

Thierno entered into our link, making it a three way now. Once we figured out that we could do that, everything became easier and I was able to comfortably communicate with them at the same time.

"Please don't call Piper that. She's my best friend." I couldn't stress enough how much they hated her. I didn't understand why and I didn't want to.

It was plain rude.

"I agree with him, little cachorro. Her stench is all around the house." Kano chuckles.

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