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I'm addicted to you.


| Vixen's POV

We were currently laying in bed. After he made me climax three more times compared to him only ejaculating twice, we slept the rest of the day away. I was snuggled under him, resting my arm over his warm body.

He was laying on his back with his head slightly tilted to the other side with his hair gracefully plastered on his forehead. He was breathing so softly.

I laid there and watched him sleep for moon goddess knows how long until I fell back asleep with my head resting on his rising chest.

When I woke from my slumber again, it was night time. It's been day one and I had already given up my goodies. Well, not really but you get what I mean.

I twist and turn, patting my hand across the sheet. I was searching for Tiberias' warm body but there was no warmth.

I open my eyes to see that I was alone in bed. I sat up, glancing around the room. It was a little dark until I got up and turned on the lights.

I wrapped the white robe around myself that Basim got for me then made my way out of the bedroom, in search for my mate.

"Tiberias!" I call out for him.

If he wasn't my mate, I'd assume I was a one night stand and he just disappeared before I woke up, leaving nothing.

I scratch my nose, sniffing the surrounding area. There was a pretty odd smell. It was so strong that I could smell it from in here.

After I searched the cabin to confirm that the smell was outside, I decided not to leave and wait for my mate to return.

While I waited, I occupied myself with looking out the window, admiring the beauty of nature but my thoughts drifted.

My mate has a dick piercing.

I began to wonder if it was painful when he got them done. I clench my thighs, trying not to imagine it but I couldn't help it.

My moon goddess.

I wonder what else my mate has that I don't know about. There couldn't be much else to hide from me.

Concerning his body at least.

Hours start to go by and I was tired of waiting. I stood up, laying the book down that I had so happen to grab during my time of waiting.

I frown, tucking myself back into bed. I needed my rest since we were going out tomorrow as well. I laid there, hoping to fall asleep until I heard a thud come from the living room.

I shot upwards, throwing the sheets from over me. I held my robe while I walked out of the bedroom. "Tiberias?"

My eyes widen at my mate who was laying on the couch with bruises all over him. He was breathing heavily with his eyes closed but he looked like he had got jumped.

"Tiberias, what happened?!" I rush over to him, resting my hand on his face. His eye was swollen and there was dried blood on his lip and fresh blood was still apparent on his head.

"Oh my moon goddess. Who did this to you?" I was shaking, making sure not to apply pressure anywhere. His arm looked out of place.

My mate was feared amongst these lands so I didn't know a single person who was strong enough to do this to him.

They had to be powerful.

I ran to the kitchen, searching for something cold to ease the swelling. I found a frozen pack of peas and quickly walked back to him.

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now