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I'll settle for the ghost of you.


| Vixen's POV

Its been a month since the whole fiasco happened. Tiberias was still recovering but he was much better than before.

Only thing is that Thierno hasn't been responsive at all. We decided to relocate him back to the mansion where he could be under surveillance 24/7.

Other than that, everything has been calm. There hasn't been any problems since Calypso died. Wrath and Basim were no where to be found but that's understandable. He practically lost his mate.

"You're looking well," Tiberias mentioned while lifting himself out of the bed. "I still feel like I've been pounced on by a hundred elephants."

I chuckle, "You're being overdramatic but no, I'm not doing well." A soft sigh escape my lips, "Thierno still hasn't woken up and I'm worrying more and more each day."

I hear the bed move until his presence was felt behind me. He slowly wraps his arms around my waist, "My mate, I know you're worrying for my brother." He sighs after planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Are you not worried?" I turn around to look at him, leaning my butt against the dresser. He rests his hands on each side of me, caging me in. "We've probably tried to kill each other a number of times. I'm not worried about him dying but it is tiring watching over him."

"Ti, I just don't know. Not to mention, you have an entire kingdom waiting for you. You can't deny your duties." I frown.

"They can wait. You're more important." He tilts my head back.

"How do you manage to look so good sleeping and waking up?" I giggle as his hand gently traces over the ticklish spot on my neck.

"I think you're referring to yourself." His deep chuckle was always the most memorable thing about our little banters. I felt closer to Tiberias than I ever have.

He lifts me up by my thighs, sitting me on top of our dresser. "You better stop before I mess up your hair." I tease.

"Only you're allowed to." His hands forcefully pulled my legs apart, closing the distance between us. His head dips into my neck, applying his warm tongue on my sensitive spot which causes tingles down my spine.

"Ti." I giggle, running my fingers through his soft curly hair. His teeth grazes the skin on my shoulder, "Tell me to stop before I take you to that bed right now."

Did I want him to stop? No.

Please just mate already, Kuro begs.

I ignore my wolf as I bit my lower lip, closing my eyes as I rest my cheek in my mate's hair, allowing his scent to infiltrate my senses. His wide shoulders were really.. sexy..

When did I have a thing for shoulders?!

I blush at the thought, lifting my knee up, forcing distance between us. He got the memo, allowing it. His eyes were intense as his bed hair was falling over his eyelids.

As I allowed my knee to fall, it grazes over my mate's large bulge. When I tell you, I quickly ran out the room, not looking back... I did.

The room was getting too hot for me and I didn't need to give into temptation. Not while Thierno possibly was stuck in a coma for good.

I was slowly recovering as I didn't realize that I was hard myself. I had to control myself. There's been sexual tension between us ever since he woke up that day.

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