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You ignored the red flags.


| Vixen's POV

Was I going to die? Possibly. There were swarms of demons surrounding us now but they weren't irregular ones. They looked normal and actually sophisticated.

The two demons who approached us..

One of them had long black hair that fell to his ankles and black eyes similar to Envy's, lacking pupils. He had a more feminine look as his slender body wasn't too masculine. He wore a spiky neck choker and he had dark lavender lipstick on.

The other demon had literal flames for hair while his fiery eyes were swirling with what looked like small human souls in his pupils. His skin was a darker olive tone. He gave me a once over before directing his attention to Thierno, "That's your mate?"

"Akuji, are you doing well? My father hasn't rid you as his personal concubine yet?" Thierno says with spite.

Akuji scoffs. "I was never his concubine, you worthless fool. I believe your mother fit the role quite nicely."

My eyes widened.

Thierno smirks. "She probably did. Where is my father? I want to get this over as quickly as possible. Being around demons can be such a hassle."

The way he spoke of his mother shocks me. I felt like there was more to the story than what Tiberias told me.

"He has just arrived from his travels not too long ago," the other demon says.

"Thanks Stheno. You're really useful unlike many others who stay around waiting for my father to notice them but in reality, he never will because he has more important and worthy demons to fuck." Thierno places his hand on Akuji's shoulder. "Very piteous." He says while grabbing my arm to force me to walk in front of him as we walk up the stairs towards the doors.

I look back as the fiery headed demon had a look of anger in his swirling eyes.

Stheno follows us with reddened cheeks as he looks up at Thierno. "It's a pleasure having you home young prince."

"You know I hate being called that."

"Your father will punish anyone who doesn't refer to you as that." Stheno explains. "He's not too happy that your mate is a omega and a man at that. He's hoping that Ophelia lied to him so that he can decapitate her."

Thierno didn't respond to him but kept walking. He didn't look surprised so I'm guessing I'm the only one in the dark about how his father will react to me.

The doors to the very large mansion opens once we were close enough to walk through. The inside was completely different compared to the outside. The inside had a bland theme with only black and grey colors in the furniture and walls. There were large candles lit in a row in the hall as there were pictures hanging on the wall above the lit candles, showing what I assume were paintings of important demons.

"These are our ancestors," Thierno answers my unasked questions. I blush, refraining myself from staring again.

"He'll be here shortly. I'm going to tell him that his son has finally come home. Although, I'm sure he already knows you're here." Stheno flutters his eyes flirtatiously at my mate before leaving.

I frown.

I stare at Thierno who stood in the same spot, unmoving. He shoves his hands into his pockets, "Slow your heart rate."

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now