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A lot of people are confused on who is who in this book. I'm just like...how do you forget my baby Apollo? It got bad when someone asked who Thierno was mid book. I started crying. lmaoaoosjao

For everyone who are confused, here are brief descriptions of the characters and information:

Vixen - The Omega aka stupid decision maker
Mother: Lexa
Father: Leo
Age: 18
Species: werewolf; name: Kuro
Height: 5'3 (forgot he was 5' in the beginning)
Eye color: brown
Hair color: mocha
Status: Alive
Siblings: none
Mate(s): Thierno and Tiberias

Tiberias - The Moon God aka clean freak
Mother: Calypso
Father: Teivel
Age: ancient mf
Shifter: tiger; name: Nitro
Height: 6'5
Eye color: cloudy white
Hair color: white
Status: Alive
Siblings: Thierno, ???
Mate: Vixen

Thierno - The Sun God aka daddy issues
Mother: Calypso
Father: Teivel
Age: ancient mf
Shifter: tiger; name: Kano
Height: 6'5 1/2
Eye color: obsidian black
Hair color: midnight black
Status: Alive
Siblings: Tiberias, ???
Mate: Vixen

Alucard - The Ruler of The Ocean Kingdom
Mother: unrevealed
Father: unrevealed
Age: ancient mf
Species: Merman
Height: 6'5
Eye color: red
Hair color: black
Status: Alive
Siblings: five mfs who are unrevealed
Mate: Lauv

Lauv - The confident mf
Mother: unknown; adoptive mother: Tiki
Father: side character with no name
Age: 19
Species: werewolf; name: Yasero
Height: 5'10
Eye color: blue
Hair color: ivory white
Status: Alive
Siblings: Apollo
Mate: Alucard

Envy - The Sassy Boi
Mother: -
Father: -
Age: ancient mf
Species: demon
Height: 6'3
Eye color: black; while using sin: green
Hair color: black
Status: Alive
Siblings: sins
Mate: Apollo

Apollo - The submissive in denial aka pretty boy
Mother: no name; adoptive: Tiki
Father: side character with no name
Age: 31
Species: werewolf; name: Xio
Height: 6'
Eye color: grey
Hair color: ivory white
Status: Alive
Siblings: Lauv
Mate: Envy

Wrath - The show love through action mf
Mother: -
Father: -
Age: sexy ancient mf
Species: demon
Height: 6'5
Eye color: black; while using sin: red
Hair color: black roots with red tips
Status: Alive
Siblings: sins
Mate: Basim

Basim - The Virtue of Patience aka bad bitch
Mother: -
Father: -
Age: cute ancient mf
Species: Archangel
Height: 5'11
Eye color: emerald green
Hair color: baby blue
Status: Alive
Siblings: seven heavenly virtues
Mate: Wrath

Teivel - The Sun God aka abusive pops of the year
Mother: ???
Father: Mythos
Age: evil ancient mf
Species: God
Height: 6'6
Eye color: black
Hair color: black
Status: Deceased
Siblings: unrevealed
Mate: some poor soul

Calypso - The Moon Goddess aka control freak
Age: ancient jit
Species: Goddess
Height: 5'1
Eye color: white
Hair color: snow white
Status: Deceased
Siblings: none
Mate: (; ???

Mythos - The God of Life/Heals aka old man
Mother: unrevealed
Father: unrevealed
Age: ancient mf
Species: God
Height: 6'7
Eye color: hazel
Hair color: brunette
Status: Alive
Siblings: Death
Mate: Mercy

Death - The Soul Taker aka daddy
Mother: -
Father: -
Age: scrumptious ancient mf
Species: God
Height: 6'7
Eye color: white
Hair color: jet black
Status: Alive
Siblings: Mythos
Mate: unrevealed

Cicero - Calypso's dog aka simp for Basim
Mother: -
Father: -
Age: ancient freckles
Species: Archangel
Height: 6'2
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: red
Status: Deceased
Siblings: seven heavenly virtues
Mate: lmaoaoaoaoaaoaooaa

Ophelia - Simp for Tiberias aka desperate puta
Mother: unrevealed
Father: unrevealed
Age: ancient puta
Species: demigoddess
Height: 5'4
Eye color: cloudy grey
Hair color: brown
Status: Alive unfortunately
Siblings: unrevealed
Mate: ???

Piper - Vixen's bff aka mountain girl
Mother: unknown
Father: unknown
Age: 17
Species: werewolf
Height: 5'5
Eye color: low key forgot. Let's go with blue.
Hair color: blonde
Status: Alive
Siblings: unrevealed
Mate: ???

Lust - The sex god aka heart taker (literally)
Mother: -
Father: -
Age: horny ancient mf
Species: demon
Height: 6'4
Eye color: black; when using sin: dark blue
Hair color: black
Status: Alive
Siblings: sins

Sloth - The sleepy cutie patootie
Mother: -
Father: -
Age: adorable ancient mf
Species: demon
Height: 6'3
Eye color: black; while using sin: light blue
Hair color: black
Status: Alive
Siblings: sins
Mate: ???

Greed - Goody two shoes aka husband material
Mother: -
Father: -
Age: ancient mf
Species: demon
Height: 6'1
Eye color: black; while using sin: yellow
Hair color: forest green with black highlights
Status: Alive
Siblings: sins
Mate: ???

Stheno - the toxic dick chaser
Mother: -
Father: -
Age: horny ancient mf
Species: Incubus
Height: 6'
Eye color: black
Hair color: black
Status: Alive
Siblings: none
Mate: ???

Mercy - The Virtue of Kindness aka material gworl
Mother: -
Father: -
Age: nice ancient mf
Species: Archangel
Height: 5'11
Eye color: green
Hair color: pink
Status: Alive
Siblings: seven heavenly virtues
Mate: Mythos

Zylon - Alpha of the Storm Forest pack
Mother: unknown
Father: Klondike
Age: 32
Species: werewolf
Height: 6'2
Eye color: brown
Hair color: blonde
Status: Alive
Siblings: none
Mate: Aspen

Meiko - The Healer aka Vixen's dream girl
Mother: unknown
Father: unknown
Age: 28
Species: werewolf
Height: 5'7
Eye color: ocean blue
Hair color: silver
Status: Alive
Siblings: Mulan, Othello
Mate: ???

I hope this help!

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