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| Vixen's POV

My mother woke up a few hours ago and she was in disbelief that I had two mates who were brothers. In fact, she tried to grab a cross and push it in Tiberias' face while shouting 'demon'!

But she has calmed down since then and we were all currently sat at the dining table. My father took his place on the end while I sat next to my mother and the brothers sat across from us.

My mother cooked a vegetable soup. It was awkwardly silent and I didn't know how to start a conversation. Thierno would take glances at the bowl of soup in front of him and Tiberias just kept glancing around the room, admiring the scenery but I knew he was faking it since our house would be considered a mess in his eyes.

"So..." my mother clears her throat as she sat up with great posture, eyeing my mates back and forth. "How did you two come across my son?"

"Funny story actually," I laugh nervously but she turns to me with an arched brow. "I'm speaking to your mates dearest."

Oh moon goddess she's about to start interrogating them...

"As Vixen said, it is a very comical story," Tiberias began but my father interjects, "Why do you sound like that? What accent is that? Where are you from young man?"

Tiberias paused as he processed every question my father threw at him. Truth be told, I didn't want to fib to my parents about my mates like I've been my pack but I'm sure my mother would lose it if they were truly honest. He chuckles, "We're far from our home. We come from a long line of wealthy families." So that's the approach he was taking. "So I assure you Vixen will never be at threat into poverty or discomfort."

My father narrows his eyes as he took a sip of his soup and swallowed before asking, "And you two are twin brothers?"

"Yes sir. We are indeed twin brothers." Tiberias nods his head. His lip tugged into a grin as his beautiful eyes were intimidating my father who squirms in his seat.

I've never seen my father so uncomfortable and it kinda gave me a goofy feeling. I was happy to see Tiberias handling his obtrusive questions so well.

"My son has two brothers as mates," my father says it as if he's trying to taste it on the tip of his tongue before he shook his head. "What kind of dark magic shit is this?"

"Leo," my mother cuts in, giving him a 'shut it' look. My father took a large sip of his coffee; he was always obsessed with coffee, to the point he'd drink it with his breakfast, lunch and dinner.

My mother elevates the silver spoon to her lips with her pinky raised but decided to drop it back into the bowl then said, "My son is quite small and frail. You are being careful with him, right?"

"Mom!" My face reddened with embarrassment evident in my soul. I brought my lower lip between my teeth and chewed on it while I contemplated ending my life from my parent's humiliating questions.

"I'm not too sure what you are asking," my mate chuckles at my mother's facial expression. "He is safe."

"No, I mean-," my mother's eyes averts to my father who gave her a weird look back as she elaborated, "-careful with him during..sexual interactions."

"Okay, these questions are a little irrefutable," I lift the spoon to my lips and took a sip as Tiberias answers, "Yes, we are fully aware that Vixen is not up to par with certain... events but I assure you that he is safe during them."

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