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Allowing fear to have power, makes you weak.


| Vixen's POV

Alpha Loki's pack was extremely scary compared to any pack I've ever been to. I know that's not many but the way these guards are looking at me and I literally hold no threat is just ridiculous. They led me to their jail which was quite huge.

Their were wolves on point everywhere. The pack was quiet. Envy didn't care. He just kept walking, not bothered by the glares he was receiving.

"So Vixen, how come they sent a little omega to come to the big, bad and scary pack?" Kiriko asks, smiling as she knew the atmosphere was thick.

Was she the only bubbly one here?

"We're desperate," is all I say.

Maybe she didn't believe me when I answered the other wolf.

The jail cells were small and only had beds in them which meant the prisoners couldn't have stayed for long unless Alpha Loki didn't care for their well-being.

As we walk down the dark hall, I stared at all the prisoners in each cell. They were all either crouched down in the corner with their heads in their hands or sitting down, glaring back at me.


We suddenly stopped in front of a jail cell. The man wore black clothes and his face was hidden, only revealing his brown eyes.

"Everyone else leave, I will be the only one to see this." Alpha Loki commands and they all followed his order.

Okay, now that I was here, I had no idea how I was going to get this man to confess to not being from our pack.

What's his motive?

"Do I open the...?" I slowly reach for the bars, waiting for permission to enter.

Alpha Loki looks up at a camera that I didn't notice before and he nods his head towards it. The jail bars suddenly opened, leaving it wide open.

"Start talking," Alpha Loki glares at me.

I gulp.

"Hello, my name is Vixen," I began. "No time for small talk," Alpha Loki cuts in.


"I'll get straight to the point. Admit that you're not from Storm Forest pack or hundreds will die on your hands. A war will start." I say all in one breath. The man didn't shift. The only communication he's giving is through his eyes which stares at me.

"Please," I beg. "I know you may not care but we don't deserve to be damned for something we didn't do."

The man said nothing. His entire focus was now on Alpha Loki then his eyes lands on Envy. He gave no reaction to the situation.

"I'm trying to help you," I say.

I knew he may not understand the circumstances of his positioning but he needs to trust me. He may think his best option is to remain quiet.

"What if I promise that no harm will come to you?" I ask.

"Don't promise things you can't keep," Alpha Loki growls.

That was my best bargain. I glance at Envy who was standing tall with his arms folded over his chest as he assessed the situation. He's been terribly quiet lately.

"Envy, do your thing," I sigh, standing up. I moved out of his way.

Envy smiles wickedly. He went and stood in front of the quiet man. He crouched down in front of him as his eyes began to turn a dark green. The man was staring at Envy in the eyes which was a huge mistake.

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now