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Bring me to life.


| Basim's POV

I won.
My heart dropped as I stared at my queen keeping Death's king in check. There was no where he could run. "Checkmate." I repeat excitedly.

"Interesting," is all the immortal says.

"So answer my questions." I growled but the ancient immortal ticked his teeth before shaking his head. "No."

"What?" I gape.

"I'll answer your questions after you give birth." He stares at my shocked face that I desperately tried to keep stoic but failed miserably.

"That wasn't the deal!"

"The deal was that I'll answer your questions if you win, correct?" Death reaches forward, allowing me a glance at his painted black fingernails.

"Yes." I growl. "And I won."

"You never said when if you win."

And that's how my day went with Death before I came back home to find my house vacant which I was really happy about because I didn't want to explain to Wrath where I've been.

It has been a couple of days since and Death hasn't bothered me at all. He hasn't been in my dreams neither.

I should've known that he'd try some wordplay to get himself out of the situation. I rubbed my belly, humming a soft melody as I walk into the kitchen to find something to eat but then I realized that I should probably shower before Wrath arrive.

And so I did.

But Wrath didn't return that night which left me wondering where he could've been. He never missed a chance to sleep with me and our baby.

Who does he think he is?

The next morning, I grab my coat then grabbed myself a citrus fruit before teleporting to Vixen's residence because I was bored and lonely since my hot headed mate wanted to take his sweet time to come back to me.

I waddled around in the house before walking upstairs, holding my baby bump as I did so.

There weren't any noises and the mansion felt lonely. The atmosphere was tense but I knew not to think much of it.

I heard soft cries coming from a room and immediately snatched the doorknob to open it, finding Vixen's friend cuddled up with a pillow in her grasp.

She squeaks while staring at me, immediately wiping the tears away from her flushed cheeks. She grumbled, "If you're here to hurt me as well then get going because I will fight back."

The girl was injured and was speaking like this to me?

"As you can see, I'm pregnant. I have no intentions on fighting even if you're light weight."

The girl sniffled, pushing her face into the pillow before she sighed a soft 'sorry'.

I was about to close the door but I don't know what stopped me. I cracked the door back open, peeking my head through. "Why are you crying?"

"Why would you care?" The girl glared at me while clenching the sheets underneath herself.

How rude.

I decide to not respond since she wants to have an attitude when I did nothing to her. I didn't have the time for rudeness from mortals. As I'm about to close the door, I hear a soft, "Wait, I'm sorry."

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now