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Blood, Sweat and Tears.


| Vixen's POV

Morning arrived.
Tiberias made everyone prepare for the eventful day ahead of us but truthfully, he didn't do it for the right reason. Yea, today was going to be eventful for me.

I'm done playing these games.

I couldn't believe that I didn't realize it before until I spoke with my friend and he told me his situation. I waited until everyone came down and calmly waited for my mates to arrive. My heart was racing because if I was wrong then we all would meet our demise.

All of the virtues and sins filled the space and Thierno barged in, dragging Amigo who had swollen eyes and his skin was turning purple of bruises.

I placed my hands over my mouth and swallowed my upchuck from seeing that. Thierno could really be more gentle when it comes to him but that was for later.

Once everyone gathered around, I was staring at their faces. Today was going to be the end to all of this.

Tiberias stood in the middle of the room as he crossed his arms and began to speak, "Today may go terribly wrong and I admire how courageous you all are when it comes to stepping against two of the most powerful immortals to exist." His eyes darted to Alucard who gave him a curt nod in return and all of the virtues stood to their feet, placing their hands behind their backs with a bow of their head to show respect.

Amigo spat blood on the floor as he groaned after Thierno dropped him in the middle of the room with a glare.

"Amigo here-," Tiberias started but I cut him off by saying, "It's not Amigo that he's after anymore."

"What?" Tiberias cloudy eyes focused on me and I swallowed my breath because I was terrified but what I have concluded makes sense.

"I need to speak," I approach my mate and took his place in the center of the room. He backed away with a fold of his arms.

"The fuck are you saying Vixen?" Thierno narrowed his eyes at me and I raised my hand, "Please, hear me out."

Everyone's attention was now on me. Even Sloth was awake for this and I don't know why that sent shivers down my spine but this was the only way to win.

"There's an imposter amongst us," I began and the entire room went silent. Eyes began darting everywhere, questioning each other with silence as I continue, "I agreed to play Mythos' game in order to save us from a future that none of us survives." I deliberately kept out the part about Thierno killing everyone.

Ace growled, "Everyone knows you don't agree to play their games."

"Our lives is in the hand of yours?" Pride chuckled to himself. "Fuck, we're going to die."

"Shut the fuck up and let him speak," Thierno growled at the sin and virtue and I was greeted with silence once more.

"Well, what was this...game?" Tiberias hesitantly asked while shifting onto his other foot.

"I-I had to find out who he took the form of before tonight." I explain. The gears in Tiberias' head were turning. "And if you didn't?"

"All of us would die." I murmured. My eyes locked with Mercy who looked sad and he immediately looked away. A part of me could understand his situation but I knew his loyalty would always be slightly more when it came to Mythos.

I glance around the room, making eye contact with everyone as I nibbled on my lip. "I-I know who you are Mythos and.. it took me some time but the only people you could've had contact with is Apollo, Envy, Tiberias, Thierno or Mercy."

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