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Never been in love...
So innocent.


| Vixen's POV

I was amazed by my mate's choice of location. We were currently in a tropical amazon rainforest. There were animal sounds being heard from each direction. The deep green scenery made my mate look out of place.

He was carrying both of our luggage with ease as we were approaching the Crystal Blood pack led by Alpha Echo. Supposedly they have a liking to my mate so she didn't mind that we had our vacation here.

"I figured you'd prefer to be around women rather than males once we go for our little swim." Tiberias gives me a gentle smile as I blush.

"I know what you're trying to do." I chuckle. "But masculine women will only destroy my pride and ego."

You never had a ego to begin with, Kuro laughs.

I ignored Kuro, focusing on my mate who walked so elegantly and with posture. My insecurities were eating at me. I know that I'm scared of my mate but I also feel protected by him.

It's a weird relationship.

There is no relationship, Kuro states.

"Can you shut up?" I hiss.

"What was that?" Tiberias glances at me. I wave him off with a nervous laugh.

Kuro was dying of laughter as he loved seeing my discomfort. If I could put him in timeout, I would.

Tiberias dropped our luggage, placing his hand over my chest to prevent me from walking further. "There's a trap."

I gasp.

"I know you're there." Tiberias looks up into the trees but I didn't know what he was looking at. "Your alpha Echo is expecting us." His voice could make even the mightiest of men kneel.

Suddenly, a very large and muscular woman jumps down. Her broad shoulders and abs were on display for the world to see. She had a buzz cut and her strong thighs flexed upon impact. She wore a two piece beige warrior outfit that made her tanned skin more apparent. Her smirk widens as she stares us down.

I gulped.

She had to be at least six foot three.

"Parles-tu français?" My mate spoke a different language which left me feeling ignorant.

She laughs at my mate. "No entiendo." Her deep voice was majestic and flowing with her native tongue. "Debes ser nuevo por aquí."

"¿Tienes a alguien que hable inglés?" My mate was now speaking another language that I couldn't comprehend but it made the woman chuckle.

"My alpha isn't expecting anyone, tiger shifter." Her accent flourished as she was now speaking a language I could understand.

Tiberias didn't take too kindly to her playing around with him. He kept his cool as he looks at the woman with disgust.

Another amazonian woman approaches with her arms wide open as she smiles brightly at the two of us. She was shorter than the other. Her hair was brown and it was shaved on each side of her head but left the top in a slick bun. "How nice! What are two men doing here in our territory?" Her voice wasn't too kind compared to her facial expression.

"We can leave if your alpha has decided that we're no longer welcome." Tiberias says calmly.

"Oh! You must be thee tiger sheefter then?" She asks with that snake of a smile. "Our alpha just sent me to collect you. Please follow."

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