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That boy is a monster.


| Basim's POV

I traveled to Death's realm. His territory was extremely quiet, no life in sight. The willow trees brushed gently with the breeze constantly flowing as snow covered the ground I walk on.

It was freezing and windy to the point that I could see my own exhale of breath.

From many tales, it always remained night time here which is why the plants would slowly die from the lack of sunlight and the moody weather.

But that's the least of my worries.

No immortal nor mortal was allowed to travel to his realm without facing the consequences and that's exactly why I came here.

Death was quite an austere man with a introverted personality that left many wondering things about him. He's one of the oldest gods and yet close to nothing was known.

Traveling here was a risk to myself and my baby but I had a feeling he wouldn't kill me because Death has never had an interest in me before. I may be important. I know how selfish that sounds but I'm willing to use that to my advantage to get over on him.

Whispers were surrounding me. They sounded like lost souls warning me to go back but I ignored them.

I was due in less than a month and my baby was currently moving around in my womb which hurt but it was bearable. "Calm down in there, alright? Daddy is doing business." I whisper to my unborn child who kicked in response.

"Oh, so we're being bad today?" I said while I kept looking around myself while I walk through this land of snow, seeing nothing in the distance but I knew Death kept a barrier around his home to prevent the souls from entering so carelessly.

A wave of goosebumps pricked at my skin, feeling eyes on me. I told myself that it was just the harmless lost souls that wondered around to prevent myself from panicking.

My baby kept kicking and moving around which was quite unusual since he'd tire out by now and sleep the rest of the day. "Is something wrong?" I held my belly, stopping in my tracks.

He didn't kick a response this time, unmoving. I swear my baby could possibly be bipolar.

"Death! I know you're there!" I twist around while my eyes scanned the area for any sudden movements. "I just want to talk."

Whispers kept flooding my ears uninvited. The ghosts wanted me to heed their warning but I've been listening to warnings all of my life. I have to do this for my sanity.

There was a moment of silence as the wind became more aggressive, whipping my curly hair around my head.

A circular portal with a foggy white outline appears in front of me and there was a dark mansion located on the other end. I didn't hesitate to step through; the portal closing immediately.

Everything was completely different on this end. The mansion looks dark and mysterious with a lonely air surrounding it. The windows were locked tight just from where I was standing and there was no light indicating that its vacant or has been for a very long time.

In the distance was a large dock over a pond that was currently frozen solid.

The door to the mansion slowly creeks open.

I calm my breathing before I entered the beautiful home where the lights were dimmer. The door slams shut behind me, causing me to flinch in place.

"Death." I whisper his name while examining the inside of his home which was much nicer than the outside even if the decorations were plain and simple with basic black and grey colors.

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