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The darkness can't thrive without light.


| Apollo's POV

I growled at the demon who hadn't spoke a word since I demanded him to touch me. We were currently in his room while I sat on the bed and he was standing, leaning his shoulder against the wall with his arms crossed.

The amount of anger that I was feeling could not be explained. I still have yet to confirm that he's my mate but the way he's acting so cool about this makes me wonder. If we are mates, that means he already knew and kept it from me or he's just really hard to surprise.

"Why won't you touch me?" I ask.

Finally, the demon turns to face me. His nose was flared as he glares at me. "Touching mortals isn't my forte. Especially mortal men."

"Why do I feel like you're hiding something from me?" I huff, looking at the ground. "It makes absolute sense to think that you're my mate. I felt the sparks."

"Then went to fuck, came back and now what?" His eyes were no longer black.

"I didn't feel sparks." I admit. "She's not my mate. Only person left is you, Envy. You have to be my mate." I stand up. His eyes followed my every step but I didn't make any sudden movements.

"You're mistaken." He chuckles. "You're delusional and thinking you felt sparks. If that was the case, I'd feel them too."

This was starting to become confusing. I began to doubt myself but I knew I felt sparks. My wolf reacted.

"We can avoid all of this if you just touch me. This would all be over and I'll leave without bothering you ever again. I just need to know." I sigh.

"You know what I think?" He looks at me with so much anger. "I think that you desperately need a mate so that you could feel wanted. Which also explains why you're so cock sprung on being in your brother's life. You get off to feeling needed because your life is so shit by itself. Doesn't mean you have to drag me into it." He said with no remorse.

His intentions were to hurt me.

You should kill him, Xio growls.

I blinked rapidly, trying to understand what just happened. The only time I was ever caught off guard and I couldn't find the words to speak.

I clenched my fist, "You know what? I realized that it must be hell being mated to a fucking demon. You're probably incapable of love." I laugh in his fucking face. "If you didn't want to be my mate, then fucking reject me so I can move on peacefully and not wait like some idiot. Selfish piece of shit." I quickly analyzed his room, wanting to throw something at his face.


"Not until I know. After that," I swallow. "I'll never bother you again. You obviously don't want me so just reject me."

He pauses as if he's considering.

"Sit your pride aside for once," I was starting to calm down from my outburst.

He closes his eyes, sighing through his nose. He opens his eyes, nodding his head.

Mate or not, kill him.

My wolf was hurting from his words but even he didn't want to admit that our potential mate's words stung.

I held my hand out for him to grab as if asking for a hand shake. "We can shake on it. Sparks or not, I will leave."

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now