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L'âme en peine.


| Vixen's POV

"I found a way." Tiberias called all of us to the living room. I sat next to Thierno while Envy sat next to Sloth.

"This is Mercy. He's the virtue of kindness. He has a solution to our problem." My mate sighs.

All of our attention turns towards Mercy. The most noticeable thing about him was his extremely long pink hair that fell to his ankles. He carried womanly features with his large green doe eyes and slender build but I could tell he was slightly muscular. His skin was pale like a porcelain doll with his long white eyelashes and his height was maybe five-foot eleven.

He didn't look real.

He gave all of us a gentle smile, displaying his perfect white teeth. "I've come across this curse many times during my existence. All from sorceress or witches, whatever you want to call them by, and they've all had a vendetta against another being. Silly women and their emotional irrationality. They always resort to merciless love."

My mouth drops at how deep his voice is. It was like a deep velvety baritone with a softness to it.

"So, we can reverse the curse? We can fix this?" Thierno asks.

"In a way, yes. With all wrongs, there are rights. There's always a balance. Luckily, I have the remedy to your problem." Mercy tucks his hair behind his ear as he glanced at Tiberias. "Young master, I'm at your service."

"I need you to explain how it's possible. Thierno and Vixen are supposed to be mates." My mate explains. "Can that be fixed?"

"If it's meant to be then it will be. The pond is not just any pond. He's an ancient healer and a real genuine friend of mine. I'm sure I could convince him." Mercy's hearty laugh was soft.

"Basically, all three of you have to be present in the pond in order for it to work." Tiberias didn't seem too confident with this plan from the way his eyelids are slightly wide.

"So, this man pond or whatever he goes by... he can fix all of this?" Envy chuckles. "Where the fuck was he the entire time?"

"I wouldn't disrespect him if I were you. He is the brother of Death. When there's life, there's death. There's always a yin to a yang." Mercy informs as he smiles at Tiberias. "I'm sure you know that better than anyone else."

Tiberias remained quiet.

"Well, I have something I want to say." I breathe. "I don't think we need to go through with this plan."

"Why not?" Sloth asks.

"I mean, we still need to fix Sloth over everything but.. Thierno possibly can go on through life without those memories." I nibble on my lower lip, scared of their reactions.

"I desire to have my brother back. His memories are what made him who he is today." My mate furrows his eyebrows.

"Let's be honest, that's not his best self." I mumble.

"Vixen, you can't expect his life to be revolved around what you want him to be." He sighs.

"It's not! I'm not being selfish about this. Thierno is happy!"

"I love how you two are talking like I'm not sitting right here." Thierno gave us both a blank face. We both turn towards him.

"What do you want to do then? I want my brother back but if that's what you desire then we'll just have to find a different solution to fix Sloth without your memories returning." Tiberias crosses his arms.

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