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Fire on fire.


| Vixen's POV

I was pleased that Lauv had finally found his mate. Its been a few days now and Piper was still in her room, only ever coming out for food.

Tiberias barely spoke to me. He would occasionally say something here and there but I knew he had some type of anger towards me leaving without a word to him.

I sat on the bed, massaging the temple of my nose. Tiberias hasn't been sleeping with me at all so I felt really lonely lately. As I did my daily routine of self-care, I dressed into blue shorts that stopped right above my knees and a classic shirt, tucking the ends into my bottoms.

While I made my way down the stairs, I see my dear friend pacing back and forth. Apollo has been worried for his brother for days now. I guess he just can't accept the fact that Lauv is finally growing up.

"Apollo, this isn't healthy." I snort. "I'm sure he's enjoying his time with his mate. They seemed to be in love." I chirp.

Apollo stops in his tracks, turning towards me. "In love?! He's too young to know what love is!"

"He's nineteen." I gave him a flat look.

"Exactly." Apollo huffs. "He's a baby! He doesn't know what he's doing."

I pout, "I'm eighteen."

"Don't make this about yourself. You know what I mean." Apollo sent a glare my way.

"Okay. Okay. You're right." I put my hands up in defense. "I just think his mate would protect him. He's in good hands. His mate saved me."

"That makes me feel a whole lot better." He crosses his arms. "I'm going for a run." He exits the mansion.

One day he has to realize that Lauv must live his own life and make his own choices. I know how it feels to be scared of losing someone so I didn't really blame him.

Thierno remains unconscious.

It was starting to eat at me now. Tiberias was upset at me and Thierno would probably never wake up. My anxiety was fueling by the second.

And I miss Basim.

Everyone was leaving me and I understood their situations but I didn't want to be forgotten. I suppose I needed to find my own hobbies because just sitting around waiting wasn't going to help.

I decide to go outside and finish watering my garden. I grabbed all of my gardening supplies after putting on my gardening gloves.

See, I can't entirely blame Tiberias because I deliberately didn't tell him that I owed Greed for a favor after he asked me once. He didn't take too kindly to me not spilling the reason.

I sigh as I sat down, removing my shoes then pushed my feet into my boots. I had a little greenhouse with specific berry plants growing which I took pride of. They were perfectly aligned next to each other, growing healthy and fast. I had specific pots for plants that were going to be decorations in the house later on.

While I took the mini shovel by its wooden handle, I pushed my thumb into the soil to feel how moist it was. I was preparing to grow a blue rare lily. I planned to grow it since it was my mother's favorite flower. I was going to surprise her with it once I see her again.

I hear the door to the mansion open. Glancing over my shoulder, I see the one person that I thought I would never see again.

Tiberias was leaning against the door as Ophelia walks out, fanning herself as she says something that I couldn't hear. Her eyes averts towards me then back at my mate. She flutters her eyes, giggling at something he said.

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