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Insanity is the key to survival.


| Vixen's POV

"How nice of you to finally join us brother," Pride props his leg up on the table which made an unidentified sin next to him have a look of disgust.

"We haven't seen him in so long compared to Sloth when he has his womanly periods," Lust sticks his tongue out which was cut down the middle, ending towards the mid section.

Lust was indeed the weirdest one out of all of them for me. I couldn't understand his motives and that scared me.

Sloth says nothing but stares at Lust with that intense gaze. Soft steps enters the room and I turn to see a man with black hair with red tips at the end. His eyes were glowing red as they examines the room quietly and swiftly.

He wore nothing but black and he had knuckle rings with chains dangling from them. He was larger than every sin in the room and the most intimidating.

Suddenly, all the words that I planned to say evaporated. I was opening my mouth then closing it like a fish out of water.

My eyes averts to Envy who was already watching me. I gulp, shaking my head. I hope he knew that meant that I couldn't do this. My anxiety starts to rise and I was trying to focus on anything in the room except the sins.

"Wrath, you've been gone for almost two years," Envy states while still watching me. Being uncomfortable was my best friend around these sins.

"I had business to take care of," his voice was sharp and deep. He already sounded annoyed just being here.

As Wrath sat down at the other end of the table, the dog tag chain necklace around his neck flashes a light in my eye which made my eye twitch.

"I figured since you idiots haven't called a meeting in centuries that this time would be important," Wrath eyes every last sin one by one until his eyes lands on me. "I guess not." He scoffs.

"It's important to Thierno's mate," Envy ticks his tongue. "Spotlight is yours shortcake."

All of their attentions were on me except Sloth who was staring down at his lap. I shift in my spot, trying to smile the awkwardness away. "I have a proposal for you all. If you're willing to listen."

"Spit it out," an unknown sin says.

"My family and pack is in danger. I've been given a chance to help and save them. I could be their last hope and I need help," I try to speak with as much confidence as possible.

"You mean to tell me-," Wrath's aura was starting to suffocate the room as his anger starts to rise. "That you called all of us here to help this pathetic omega who can't even help himself?"

"How did you know he was an omega?" Lust's eyes were wide with shock.

"You can't smell his pheromones from there?" Pride chuckles.

"I smell a lot of things and his pheromones are the last thing I'm worried about," Lust smirks.

Wrath's fist were against the table now and he glares at me with clenched teeth, "This is fucking pathetic."

"L-Listen please," I raise my hands, hoping the sin would calm down. "I know that you all may not want to but have an open mind. You may not respect me but I know you all respect my mate. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him."

Envy cuts me off, "Obviously you all should know if anything were to happen to him that Thierno would make our lives hell."

"We already live in it," a man with markings going down his neck says. He was very odd looking. He didn't look like he was from this world at all. His nails were clawed into a coffin shaped as he taps on the table slowly with a wide smile. His eyes were the same as a goat's.

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