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A true friend.


| Vixen's POV

Evening approached quicker than usual. It has been a day and Piper was resting in her room. I could hear her soft cries throughout the night and I haven't seen Thierno since that day.

Today, I was going to comfort her. She needed me and I couldn't be there for her because I was too consumed with my own thoughts.

I should've warned her about Thierno. I thought back to that night where she claimed that my mate was nice.

I found out that she met Tiberias.

I haven't been talking to her like we used to. I'm a horrible friend because she's just lingering around with no knowledge of what's truly going on.

In this world, she can't just go around punching people. These immortals are ruthless and will take a life so carelessly.

Moon goddess forbids that she punched one of the sins..like Wrath or Envy.

I enter into her room after knocking softly. She was lying in her bed with the covers up to her chest. There were bandages wrapped around her head, arms and legs.

Her eyes brightened up at the sight of me with a weak smile as she turns her head slightly towards me.



I close the door behind me then sat down on the side of the bed. I gently grab her hand, "I'm so sorry. I told you that you'd be safe here and I-."

"It's not your fault." She swallowed before blinking rapidly. "I-Is he your mate too?"



"He is." I nod.

Her breathing sped up as her eyes widened. "Y-You need to come back home with me. You can't stay here."

"Piper, calm down." I rest my hand on her arm, rubbing it to gently sooth her. Tears filled her eyes as she immediately turned her head away from me, trying to hide it.

"H-He's dangerous. He'll hurt you, Vixen. I won't let that happen so please leave here and come back with me." Her voice was wavering with fear.

I frown as I rest my head on her chest. "I-I can't."

"Yes, you can. Are they holding you hostage?! I'm sure our alpha can probably do something about it if we explain to him the situation." She said in one breath.

Thierno would kill Alpha Zylon but I chose to keep that comment to myself.

"Piper, listen to me." I mumble as I blinked away unwanted tears. Her chest rose and fell rapidly. She was under extreme stress and that wasn't healthy. "Thierno won't hurt me."

"You don't know that." She rests her hand over my head, gently rubbing my scalp. "Men like that are unpredictable."

I sigh.

She continues, "The other one, Tiberias; I think that's his name. He seems alright but.. I don't even know about him anymore. They're... not normal, Vixen."

She's absolutely right to question Tiberias because I'm questioning his sanity too.

"They're immortals." I say.


"They're not from our world, Piper. They're not shifters. They were raised amongst gods and goddesses. Magical beings and sorcerers." I explain. "What we consider not normal is normal for them."

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