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The boy who lost his sanity.


| Vixen's POV

I was sitting in front of Lauv as he quietly ate his cereal. I haven't seen my mate at all today. Thierno miraculously disappeared last night without saying a word to anyone.

On the bright side, I'm glad that Apollo has been returned safely. He's been asleep the entire day. I was going to check up on him but Lauv told me that he was fine and needed time to himself.

"Vixen, do you ever get the feeling that we're being left out about a lot of shit?" Lauv asks, dropping his spoon into his bowl, causing a loud clink.

"All the time."

"Do you think they don't tell us stuff because we're the stay at home wives or something?" He squints his eyes.

"Maybe." I shrug.

"Did you know that Apollo and Envy are mates?" He asks which almost made me choke. "Are they really?"

Lauv purses his lip, staring down into his empty bowl. His eyebrows nits together as he looks like he wanted to tell me something.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Apollo wasn't the one who told me.." Lauv frowns as he stares at me. "I don't know if I should be telling you this."

"You can trust me." I smile.

"I know that I can trust you." He sighs, sitting his empty bowl down. "Vixen, they're keeping things from you."

"Lauv, stop beating around the bush." I nervously laugh.

"I overheard Basim and Envy get into it last night." He grabs my hand, sighing. "That's how I know."

"And what did you hear? They're always fighting." I chuckle.

"No. No. Vixen, this was different. Envy was genuinely pissed at Basim. Something about kingdoms at war."

My eyes widen as flashbacks of what Calypso showed me began flooding my thoughts. "What else did you hear?"

"And... about your life and Apollo's life being in danger." Lauv's pupils danced back and forth as he grabs my shoulders. "I don't know what's happening but there's a lot of shady shit going on."

"M-Maybe I should tell Thierno?"

"I think you should tell Tiberias." Lauv bit his lower lip. "I say this because he hasn't been around lately so whatever shady stuff is going on, he wouldn't be part of it."

"So you think Thierno has something to do with this?" I calm my breathing as I took in everything my friend was saying.

"Vixen, I love you to death and quite frankly, the only person I trust right now. I feel like my brother is hiding things as well." The pain in his eyes shows how much he feels betrayed by his brother.

"Tiberias isn't the one here right now though." I chew on my fingernail. "Maybe I can ask Thierno if he knows anything? Wouldn't it make sense to ask him? He might know something."

"And who says he'll tell you?" Lauv flicks my forehead.

"Ouch." I pout, placing my finger on the stinging spot he flicked.

"We'll just have to see." I pat his hand before I stood up. "I'm going for a walk, okay?"

Lauv nods his head, grabbing the bowl then disappears into the kitchen.

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now