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Storms make trees take deeper roots.


| Vixen's POV

The next morning, I woke up refreshed and I've processed all the information from last night. It made a lot of sense, the more that I think about it.

Lauv was already in the kitchen, making breakfast. Apollo was no where to be found yet.

"Good morning Lauv," I greet him.

"Salutations!" Lauv tied his hair into a cute curly bun which revealed all of his sculptured features. He had a boyish smile with slightly slanted eyes.

"You're so hyper. Do you ever feel tired?" I laugh.

"No, not really." He grins, returning his focus to the stove.

I wonder where Tiberias is. He wants to leave today but I was starting to get butterflies. The feeling of being alone together for a week made me nervous.

Because I was a virgin.

"Lauv, can I ask you a question?"

"You technically just did but sure," he held the skillet in his hand as he glances over his shoulder at me.

"Have you ever had a lover? Like, had sex with them." I lowered my tone at the 'sex' part.

"Getting the willies?" He cackles.

I blush, "J-Just forget about it."

"No, no. I can help. There's nothing to be ashamed of. Honestly, I've only had sex with one person and she was a dom." Lauv blushes.

"Well, that's the thing. I've never been with anyone. Especially a male." I put emphasis on that gender specific word because I was nervous to be the bottom.

"Do you think that I could be the top?" I ask.

Lauv bursts out laughing, turning the stove off as he held his stomach. "Vixen, let's be real now."


"Your mate is huge and you're tiny. And we both know that he's very dominant. Why put false hope into your mind?" Lauv wipes the tears in his eyes as he calms down from his laughter.

I grumble, "I'm not that small."

"Yea, of course." Lauv was fixing plates for everyone. "I want everyone to get a nice welcoming breakfast for our first day as a new starting family."

"Wow," I watched him set up the table. I wondered if Lauv was the only one happy about this. I hope Apollo comes around eventually. It'd be upsetting if he doesn't. I just want them safe and happy. They deserve it.

And now that I have the ability to make that happen, I feel more confident within myself.

"Don't you think this might be a little too much? What if they don't eat it?" I question.

"If they don't then they don't," he shrugs then places his hands on his hips. "All done!"

"It smells really good," I allowed the sweet aroma to grace my senses. He cooked majority of meat like bacon and sausage with pancakes and a side of eggs.

"How long did this take you?" I ask.

"Around an hour or so," he chuckles, sliding his gloves off then tossing them into the trash. "Now, time to wake everyone."

"Wake everyone? I don't even think they sleep except Apollo." I snort.

"Truthfully, you should go wake your mate and your other friends." He smiles.

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