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We found love in a hopeless place.


| Lauv's POV

My mate was standing in front of me. I couldn't believe my luck. And to think that I almost didn't come because Tiberias was being a big baby about Vixen going to a unknown world on his own.

What do I say?

My heart hammered in my chest since I didn't expect my day to get more interesting.

Damn, I didn't get to wash my hair today. Does he think I'm a slob who doesn't care for my appearance?

"Well, um, we should be heading back." Vixen sighs, lifting the unknown girl on his shoulder. Tiberias hasn't said a word since my mate arrived.

Not to mention, my mate was extremely attractive and I was really glad for that because having an ugly mate would be kinda depressing. Okay, I'm not all about looks but it's a bonus how fine he is.

"I'm not going anywhere." I tell Vixen, refusing to miss the opportunity of a life time. No wonder I never found my mate. He was in a different world.

My mate looks at me with a confused expression, clearing his deep throat, "I have business to attend to so I'm-."

"Yea, with me." I gave my mate my most dashing smile. He was caught off guard by my straightforwardness.

Tiberias disappears with Vixen and his lady friend. I didn't care if I just met him, I was going to make him mine today.

"I suppose I haven't quite introduced myself yet." I place my hand over my chest as the male continue to stare at me with unmoving eyes.

"I'm Lauv and I have great birthing hips by the way. If you ever plan to have babies with me." I place my hands on my hips, smirking at him.

The portal behind him disappears which indicates that he didn't plan on leaving me. That was a good sign.

I hope I didn't come off strong.

"You're very exuberant." His soothing voice made my wolf howl in excitement.

We should have sex with him immediately!

My wolf Yasero was excited, practically jumping around in my head. I didn't blame him, I was currently overjoyed.

"I'm Alucard." He introduces himself with a slight nod of his head. Being formal turned me off, I wanted him to be comfortable with me.

"Alucard is a very hot name." I say without thinking. "I mean, your name is very.. ubiquitous?" I don't think that was the right word. "Wait, that's not what I meant."

He blinks.

Okay, you're starting to overdo it.

Shut it Yasero. I got it in the bag.

"Some things that you should know about me is that I hate useless sappy romance. I don't expect flowers or anything like that, y'know? I love chocolate which is honestly crazy since I don't think that's particularly healthy for wolves to eat or does that pertain to just dogs?" I place my hand on my chin, genuinely thinking about that. "Oh my gosh, I think I've been poisoning myself."

Alucard was shirtless which allowed me to see all the scrumptious details of his body. Looking at him would get me hard but I had to control my temptation.

He gave me a blank look as I continued, "And I will be a great submissive or.. if you would like to play that role, I have absolutely no problem with that." Even though my mate was much taller than me, I still would please him. I was practically drooling as my mind wondered to us in bed and I was on top of him with him tied to the headboard.

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