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I love you and despise you.


| Basim's POV

My entire existence feels cheated. I remember close to nothing but my memories slowly came back day by day.

Wrath, who is supposed to be my mate, told me everything that happened. It was unpleasant waking up and seeing a sin I've disliked for awhile, hovering over me as if I'd slip from between his fingers at any second.

He confirmed that we were mates by touching me without my consent which pissed me off.

What if we weren't mates? A filthy sin would've touched me for no reason.

How could I kill the moon goddess?

All these vague memories were unpleasant which gave me headaches. I've been doing nothing but resting in my home. Wrath would come visit me three times a day to make sure I'm okay.

I sat on my bed, staring down at my hands. These hands killed the moon goddess and I felt like I betrayed my people.

Even if he told me that it was for the greater good of the people, I don't think I should believe a sin.

But all I could do is wait for those memories to return. Until then, I just relaxed. It was hard to sleep even if I didn't need it.

I'd have nightmares occasionally. It felt so real too. Sometimes I felt like Death was out to get me and I didn't know why. I've done nothing for him to come collect my soul. But he always get what he wants so it's useless to keep my mind occupied on that.

Death was someone you didn't want to see unless he was there for someone else. He's ancient, more powerful than all virtues combined. That's why Calypso wanted him on her good side.

So for me to constantly see Death, I felt like I was dying but that's not my biggest concern.

If my mate convinced Death to bring me back to life then he had to give up his soul or something. I wouldn't be surprised if he sacrificed some other poor soul.

I have too much time to myself which is why all of these thoughts, theories and assumptions keep filling my head.

Wrath appears in my room, walking around the bed to get a good glimpse of me. Each time he visits me, his eyes are hard and full of... regret.

"Do you regret saving me?" I ask, pushing myself off of my bed.

"No." His eyebrows furrowed. "I'm just giving you time. You need plenty of rest and all of your memories haven't returned."

"Pfft." I glare at him. "My memory of you trying to kill me has returned. Some mate you are." I push past him, knocking my shoulder into his.

He sighs, "Basim, I had just found out that you were my mate. I didn't kill you for a reason."

"Declaring a whole war on my kingdom was unnecessary as well." I add, walking towards the area that I specifically had set up for drinking.

I sat down, pouring myself a glass of wine. Wrath followed me like a lost puppy which made me chuckle. "Why do you come every day? Sure, we're mates but you literally avoided me for years."

"It will be explained once your memories return." He crossed his arms, sighing through his nose. Some days he'd just visit me and say nothing.

My mate sure was the antisocial type which causes me to snort, placing my glass down. "You should just leave. When my memories return and whatever feelings I had for you return then I'll let you know."

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