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The omega is the heart of the pack.


| Vixen's POV

I woke up in a cave that has droplets of water falling from the tips of deformed minerals on the ceiling. A few droplets land on my cheek as I slowly push myself up. I reach up to gently feel on my scalp with my fingertips. I retreat, staring at the dried up blood coating them.

What happened?

The storm.

My best friend.

Everything came crashing down on me all at once. I pull my knees up as I hug them, pushing my head in between as I softly began to cry. All my frustrations flooding out.

It didn't matter. I was alone and no one would ever see this vulnerable side to me. I knew not to cry in front of others because they'd see me as easy to pick on.

My wounds and bruises were healing but at such a slow rate. One thing I hate about being a omega.

As I raise my head, I notice something further into the cave. I stood up, using my knee to lift. The way my leg hurts, I knew I had a funny limp going on.

I've been walking for maybe ten minutes now. This would be way easier if I could just heal properly. On top of that, I was hungry and thirsty. So pathetic.


Another cave inside of a cave. Crystals were everywhere. It was frozen solid and surprisingly it's not as cold.

What is this place?

I walk slowly on the iced floor, making sure I don't slip again. The cave was beautifully intricate. I don't think my alpha knows this place exists.

Not that I'd ever tell them. They'd probably destroy this cave of its riches.

Across the frozen floor, there was a throne. The throne was frozen, glacier like. The throne didn't scare me. The size of the throne scared me.

Does someone live here?

I rub my hands together before touching the throne. I glide my hand over the surface, recognizing the beauty dripping from it.

It's so peaceful here, however, I wonder how such an environment survives in our climate. Extreme heat and bipolar weather.

There was more behind the throne. A passageway that led me right into a room. There was a small pond with a waterfall actively flowing into it.

The pond was so clear that I could almost see the bottom deep within. I squint my eyes, trying to look deeper until two golden dots were coming straight at me.

I gasp, tossing my head back, almost losing my balance as I bolt behind a nearby stone. I try to control my breathing. I hear the water splash, colliding with other waves but the waterfall was pretty loud itself. However, it sounds like someone just emerged from the pond.

Maybe I should look?

No, that's not safe.

But I'm curious.

"Save us both the time and reveal yourself mut." His voice was so velvety and deep. There was a slick accent there too. I was mesmerized even though he technically just insulted me.

I carefully peek from behind the gigantic stone covered in glaciers. My breath was caught in my lungs.

He was huge. Bigger than any wolf in my pack.

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now