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Chains and whips excite me.


| Vixen's POV

The next few weeks were quiet. My garden was coming together quite nicely but it wasn't my main focus. I was starting to get morning sickness occasionally. And my body wouldn't digest certain foods; only spicy foods and...red jalafuego jalapeño peppers.

I was never one for spicy foods but I guess my unborn baby loves them. My mouth has been on fire until I managed to get a tolerance to the hot spiciness.

My crave for them just kept growing to the point that I began growing them in my garden.

But obviously I balanced my diet out with fruits, vegetables and other nutrients. Every morning I would stand in the mirror and study my stomach while turnt to the side.

It wasn't too bad yet. I still had a little pouch tummy forming but that's not the worst part.

The other day while I was cleaning the kitchen, Greed approached me about a concern he had with Piper who was outside, digging holes for whatever reason and Tiberias broke his arm, shoving his face down into the kitchen floor while growling into his ear.

It scared the crap out of me.

But I don't think it was Tiberias in control since he is not a violent man and his eyes weren't those cloudy orbs I love so much; they were sky blue.

It took Envy and Apollo to pull the god off the speechless sin who stood to his feet once freed; popping his arm back into place before vanishing.

So, since that happened, I've been avoiding contact with any male while he was around. I didn't need a reoccurrence of that matter.

Tiberias left two days ago since the moon kingdom required his presence to a formal meeting. In his absence, he had Mercy stop by and check on me from time to time.

And it was good because Mercy was a specialist with motherly care but he was still a male in my book so I'm assuming Nitro lashed out on Greed because he was not mated whilst Mercy was mated to Mythos.

I had a plan for today though.

Once Mercy stopped by at his usual time because the virtue was never late, I would convince Envy to take me to the Sun Kingdom so I can visit Thierno.

I haven't seen him since our last discussion and if he didn't want to come to me then I would go to him.

I had about two minutes before the virtue appeared so I decide to go to the loo and release myself of pregnancy urine. I've been tinkling more than usual but I suppose it was because of my intake of water has increased.

After I was done, I washed my hands then dried them off. I heard movement downstairs so I hurried and flew down the stairs to greet the virtue.

Mercy slid his shades off before placing them into his purse. He held a bag on his arm while running his coffin-shaped acrylic nails through his silky hair. "Vixen! How are you?" The virtue greets.

"I'm fine. Thank you." I place my hands on my belly. "No pains."

"Splendid. What about fatigue or tiredness? Urinating more? Feel bloated?" He asks while delving into his purse.

"Uhh, I feel slightly bloated and I do get tired easily now." I observe the virtue quietly.

"No cramps?"

"Not yet, no." I chuckle as he gave up on searching for whatever.

"Well, I will stop by tomorrow. The same time as always. Make sure you stay hydrated and don't give in to those cravings too often. Too much can be unhealthy for the baby."

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now