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Must have been the wind.


| Basim's POV

Wrath walks in through the door with a look of solemn. I was currently sat on the couch, reading a book about a man who has an obsession with this boy who was barely over the age of eighteen.

Very interesting.

"I have more citrus fruits for you." He says while sitting them on the kitchen counter. "How is the baby?" He asked.

"He's fine. He hasn't been active today though." I chuckle, rubbing the mid section of my large stomach. "Thank you for the fruits. How is the kingdom doing?"

"Better. Thierno hasn't been himself for a week so it's throwing all of us off. I'm sure it has something to do with his pregnant mate."

My eyes widened. "Vixen is with child?!"


"And no one thought to tell me? I should visit him soon. We can be pregnant dads in a nutshell." I tease.

"You're not allowed to go over there. You're due in less than a month. I'm not risking anything happening." He tells me sternly.

Sorry babes but I'm going to visit Death right after you leave.

"Uh huh." I nod.

I planned to visit Death a week ago but I didn't have the courage to confront him. My hormones kicked in so I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be at all threatening if I went demanding stuff while crying.

"You're very compliant today." He narrows his dark eyes at me before circulating around the counter to fill the refrigerator with the fruits.

"I'm just in a good mood." I shrug. "We really need to start talking about names soon."

"I'm sure whatever name you come up with, I will like." He removes his shirt by pulling it over his head, then tosses it towards me.

I caught it with swiftness, inhaling the scent. My senses were going wild as I groaned softly. I've been getting high in his scent for the last couple of days.

We had a routine that whenever he came home, I automatically got his shirt because it helped the baby and I relax.

"I'm going to shower." He walks down the hallway. I stare at the way the veins in his arms stretched with each step.

The baby began kicking as if he was excited. I giggle, "You like daddy's smell too? Yea, it's really addictive." I lean back into my chair while closing my eyes, holding the shirt over my face.

I wanted to get fucked.

But I needed to control myself.

I had important matters to handle before I did anything else. Thirty minutes later, Wrath walks into the room with black sweatpants hanging dangerously low on his hips while shirtless. His wet hair was bouncing as he strode into the kitchen.

"When are you leaving again?" I asked with a little bit of excitement but I coughed to cover it, "Because I'm going to miss you." I fake a pout.

Wrath's eyebrow arched at my tone. "Why are you asking that? You never asked that before." He was attentive and observant so I needed to play my cards right.

"I can't ask when my man is leaving again? We get lonely sometimes." I included the baby to soften his mood.

His hard eyes remained on me before he releases a sigh. "I have to leave in a few minutes. Thierno is meeting with Mythos so I'm requested to be at his side."

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now