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There's no yin without yang.


| Vixen's POV

I tried to back away, using my palms and my feet to move while I kept my eyes on him. I didn't want to stand because I was afraid of taking my eyes off of him. He takes a few steps towards me with a hard gleam in his eyes. They showed nothing but intense hate.

"I-I reject you," I mustered up to say, shutting my eyes tightly. There was silence. I expected him to get angry or kill me.

Until he chuckled.

I reopen my eyes to see a man with blood on his chest with wild obsidian eyes as he stares down at me, "I knew there was a reason I didn't kill you." He kneels on one knee, becoming eye to eye with me.

He's really hot, Kuro says.

"T-This is impossible," I look everywhere except into his eyes. "I-I'm not gay."

He tilts his head while continuing to stare at me, "Denial is a waste of energy." He stands to his rightful height, "Reject me, fight me, resist me, I don't care but you won't be with anyone else."

"E-Excuse you?" I stood up, uncomprehending this nonsense. "And what if I decide to seek others?"

He smiles, "I'll kill them." His voice was huskier now and more than ever did I realize that his tattoos were forming pictures on his abdomen.

"D-Did you kill Sioux?" I needed to know for some peace of mind. I was hoping that he'd say no.

He nods.

I gasp, placing my hand over my mouth. "Y-You're a murderer. No one had to die!"

"They touched what was mine," he clenches his fist. "Stop whining. His daughter needed to die. Now he will learn that I always keep my word."

My mouth fell open to that, "How could you say that?!"

He licks the blood off of the back of his hand while maintaining eye contact with me, "I'm not in the mood to explain everything. Tomorrow will suffice."

Meow, Kuro purrs.

"I-I will never submit to you," warm tears ran down my flushed cheeks. "Y-You are possibly the worst mate in history."

His lip twitched downwards, standing there in all of his glory. I could never love him.

"Fine," his face was back to being stoic but he didn't relent. He began releasing his pheromones forcefully.

Submit, my wolf was begging to mate.

I could feel my pants tightening as I slowly reach for his leg, wanting all of this tiger.

I didn't even know his name.

"P-please," my breathing increases. He kneels down once again, holding my chin with his large hand. Our lips were so close to touching. "I want you." I whisper.

"One day I'm going to have you saying these words on free will," the flesh he touched brewed sparks in me. "Until then, I need you to come with me." His strong fingers gently glides from my shoulder to my neck while he kept my attention on him. He pinches a pressure point which causes me to flinch into unconsciousness.


Kuro was the first to talk as I started to wake up, "What happened Vixen?"

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now