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Sweet Little Bumblebee.


| Vixen's POV

The life I wanted wasn't too much to ask for. Ever since I woke up two months ago after meeting my mates grandpa; things have been calm. Thierno remembered everything that transpired between us and it really threw me off because a part of me wished he didn't. I had sex with a version of him that wasn't him and I grew to understood that.

I suppose I was selfish in a way but Thierno wasn't his usual cold, distant self. He'd acknowledge me every now and then with a simple nodding of the head.

But I suppose it was good enough for him.

Tiberias and I had a very long talk about everything. He didn't like that I had sex without talking with him first but I suppose he got over it since he was his usual comforting self.

Oh and by the way...

Thierno, Envy and Wrath ended up annihilating Teivel after he threatened to decapitate Basim which sent our dearest sin over the edge.

Speaking of my virtue of a friend; he'd finally be stopping by to see me after so many months. Wrath decided to allow him to.

Protective mate much?

Overall, everything has been so smooth lately. Apollo was resting on the couch with his arms tucked in his shirt while humming a melody.

I can tell he has been lonely ever since Lauv ran away with his mate. We haven't heard anything from him since so I hope everything went alright.

But the fact that Apollo was here every single day was unhealthy. His mate had to leave for a few weeks with Lust for something he claimed was very important to handle.

Before I could speak to my depressed friend; my mate stalked out of the kitchen with a scowl glued to his face. "Apollo." His deep voice demanded the attention from him.

"Huh?" Apollo flings his head over the armrest of the couch; glancing at him while upside down.

"If you're going to sulk around like some depressed leech; at least clean up after yourself. There is no reason why dishes should be in the sink." Tiberias glared at him.

I never thought I'd see him complaining about something so civil. It almost made me giggle but I enjoyed the whole show.

"Calm down bro. It was just a bowl of cereal."

My mate was about to go off so I immediately made myself known. "Tiby." I snort at the nickname since we all know who gave him that.

He paused before slowing turning towards me. I continue, "I'll clean up after him. He's obviously going through something."

"Am not." Apollo grumbled.

"See. He's acting like a child." I shrug.

"I know you are but what am I?" He crossed his arms, glaring at me.

"A slob." Tiberias answers.

"You got it bro." He kicks the couch pillow onto the floor then gasped. "Oh shit! I hope the imaginary dust bunnies don't dirty the pillow!" He frowns, giving Tiberias fake puppy dog eyes. "I'd really hate for that to happen."

My mate was about to launch at the male until I giggled. He looks at me through his peripheral vision, "That's funny?"

"No sir." I shook my head, straightening my face muscles.

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