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Kiss me like a stranger.


| Vixen's POV

"You're quite the sleeper." A familiar voice says as I twist and turn, groaning. I flailed around, trying to find my pillow but whimpered when I couldn't find it.

Maybe if you open your eyes, Kuro says.

"No mom! Five more minutes!" I beg, pulling the bedsheets over my head.

"I'm not your mom."

I immediately sat up, removing the bedsheets from over myself. I was on alert as I searched the room for my mate but he was no where to be found. "Why are you here?" I ask.

"Thierno wanted me to look after you since his father needed him." Stheno explains while holding his long hair, gently brushing it.

"We're still in the Sun Kingdom?" For some reason, that disappointed me. I wanted to leave as soon as possible. I should've known he'd rest here before we went to the Moon Kingdom.

I sat and watched the demon pamper himself. He was chewing on gum as he puckered his purple lips, blowing the gum into a huge bubble before it popped.

"Stheno, what kind of demon are you?" I was curious since the first time I saw him. He was different than most.

"Incubus," he smirks. "Why? Don't tell me you're interested in trying it. Once you get the high, you don't want to return."

"N-No. I was just curious. You don't look like the other demons." I digressed.

"Tch," he cackles. "Of course I don't look like those things." He continues brushing his hair while he sat with his leg over the other. "I actually care about my appearance."

"I can tell." I smile.

He looks at me with those questioning eyes before glancing back down at his hair. "So Vixen, how did the young prince stumble upon you?"

"He saved me actually." I lean against the headboard while I wiggle my piggies underneath the covers.

He was shocked. "Did he now? For what purpose?"

"He said he didn't want other animals entering his territory." The more I thought back to that day, the more it slowly became a memory that I no longer wanted to remember.




Since I was here alone with him, I thought that I should get as much information that I could from him. "How long have you been living here? In the Sun Kingdom, I mean."

"All of my life." He answers.

"Has Teivel always been that way?" I was a little hesitant to ask because I didn't know if he would take it rudely then report it to him.

"What way?" The brushing began to slow down as he tried to understand what I was trying to say.

"Cruel, heartless, sadistic, and...cruel." I repeat that word for a reason.

"You should be lucky that he's that way." Stheno says while chuckling.

"Excuse you? Why would I ever be happy that he's a selfish ruler?"

"Well, let's not mention that he's a homophobe." Stheno frowns. "If only... he wasn't. I'd submit in more ways than you know. I think I have a thing for men with power."

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now