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And then I met the real you.


| Vixen's POV

My mate stood at the door and I couldn't believe he found me so quickly. I expected to have a few days at least but I guess it's impossible to think anything would ever go right for me.

"And who might that be?" Apollo was trying his best to hide the growl slowly rumbling in his chest. He knew who he wanted.

I peek around the corner to take a glance at my mate. He was wearing different clothing from last time, more dressy. He wore black trouser pants with a tucked in white top that was unbuttoned at the top, revealing his swirling black tattoos.

I took a quick glance at his emotionless eyes and they were a snowy white. My heart calmed, seeing that it was Tiberias who came to collect me.

Somehow that didn't scare me like it should've.

"I don't kn-," Apollo was getting ready to fib but I stood from behind the counter top. "I-I'm here."

Apollo whips his head in my direction with eyes that asked 'what are you doing?'.

I shrug at him.

Tiberias didn't look shocked to see that I'm here. He grins, "Ready to go home, my mate?"

For some reason, I wasn't scared to speak to Tiberias like I was with Thierno. I shook my head, "I don't want to go there. That's not my home."

Tiberias' eyes scream hurt but his face was stoic like always. "I understand. Things will be different." He assures.

"How am I supposed to know that?" I bit my lip. "And I have a new family that I don't want to leave behind."


"Apollo and Lauv," as I mentioned their names, Lauv walks out of his room, rubbing his eyes.

"I have a place in a much warmer climate if you'd like," his calm voice didn't waver.

"I think he made up his mind," Apollo was trying to close the door but Tiberias stops it with his foot, pushing it back which made the door slam into the wall, almost breaking.

I flinch.

"I think it's best that you stay out of this," Tiberias gave Apollo a warning as he walks in past him.

"Woah," Lauv eyes widened.

I didn't want to make things more difficult. I didn't want to be alone again in his house while he went out for business. I can't be stuck with demons nor virtues.

For some reason, I find it hard to believe that Tiberias ever gets mad. If he does, it has to be a calm mad.

I giggle to myself.

"What's funny, my beautiful mate?" Tiberias was only focused on me, ignoring everyone else in the room. I blush, "Just some joke I made up in my head. That's all."

I thought back to what Apollo said just hours ago. What if there was more? What if he did only want to protect me? What if... he wanted a future with me?

A lot of what ifs to be determining such a life changing decision.

Fudge it.

I lick my lips, "I'll go on one condition."

"Name it," he seems understanding.

"Apollo and Lauv come with me. They're under the radar from a bad man. I don't want to leave them alone," I say.

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