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Living two lives like my name Danny Phantom.


| Vixen's POV

"So, you're like actually a demon?" We were currently walking beside each other. I hopped over a pebble out of boredom.

"I thought we agreed that you'd zip it if I took you to your pathetic pack?" He looks down at me with a grim look.

"Well, I just wanted to know about the man who is watching over me until my mate returns, y'know?" I gave him a cheeky grin.

He narrows his eyes at me, tilting his head, "Yes, I am a demon." He returns the smile but it made me frown since his teeth were sharp. He thrives in my discomfort.

"So like, do you have a.. animal?" I look him up and down. He was a very attractive man. Not more attractive than my mate though.

Snap out it Vixen!

"If you weren't his mate, I'd kill you and devour your soul." He smirks at the thought. "You talk a lot and it's starting to become really annoying."

We've been walking for hours now. I'm sure he'd have some type of faster way to get there. "Don't you..teleport or something? Y'know, to get there quicker?"

"Yea," he digs in his teeth with a toothpick. I observe him with a smug look, "Wouldn't that be quicker?"

"You wanted this so you're going to walk the entire way, annoying mutt." He continues to clean his teeth. His long strides were weighing on me. I had to walk quicker to keep up.

"Why don't you smell like him?" He asks out of no where. "It's very faint."

"What? Like my mate? I don't know," I shrug. He sniffs the air. "Have you two not mated yet?"

"No," I admit.

His eyebrows furrow as he looks forward. He seems as if he's lost in his own thoughts now. I wonder why.

"I don't want to be mated to him anyway," I roll my eyes. He looks in disbelief. "I'm serious!"

"Mate bonds are too strong. You'll eventually give in." He flicks the toothpick away then runs his fingers through his obsidian hair.

"Well, not this one. I refuse. He's a monster." I point out. He chuckles, "Aren't we all?"

"I'm not," I shake my head. "You won't ever catch me admitting that. That's very false sir." I cross my arms.

"We've all sinned. Just some more than others." He rubs the back of his neck.

"Of course you would. You're the embodiment of hell," I laugh. "You think Thierno would be upset about us leaving?"

"Fuck yes," he pulls out a cancer stick, placing it between his lips. He inhales the toxins before turning his head in my direction. I stare into his blackened eyes as if they were my own soul.

"Don't look too long or you'll give me access to your soul," he exhales the toxins. I watch the smoke evaporate into thin air.

"W-What would happen if you did?" I kinda didn't want to know but my curiosity won. "You'll feel things," he answers.

"Have you found your mate yet?" I was genuinely curious as to whether demons loved or not.

He pauses in his step, "I do." I smile at that, "So you're not heartless after all."

He ignores me, continuing his stride. His face was stoic but I felt like I could sense the despair in those black hole eyes of his. "Did I say something bad?"

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