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Change is inevitable.


| Vixen's POV

"You ready?" My demon friend lifts me out of my bed as if I was a feather. "Put me down!" I kick my feet, pouting.

"Time to start early," Envy drops me onto my feet. I yawn, checking the time. "It's only one o'clock in the freaking morning!"

"Night time is the best time to approach sins," he exits my room, disappearing.

Although I barely got an ounce of sleep, I got ready to leave. I threw on a simple hoodie and pants. I take a look in the mirror, examining my skin. I look slightly better than I was a few weeks ago. Maybe it was the mate bond.

Envy was waiting for me outside, handling a cancer stick between his fingers. "Took you long enough."

"Did Basim already leave?"

He nods.

I felt bad for excluding him in this trip but he felt uncomfortable going into a den with sins. He has every right to. I mean, he is a virtue.

"Okay, I'm ready." I take a deep breath. He reaches his hand out for me to grab. I slowly grab it. His hand was unbelievably hot. Suddenly, everything around me disappeared. I instantly shut my eyes until I felt solid ground under me.

I fell forward on my knees, feeling nauseous. I cover my mouth, "Ugh, I don't feel too good."

"Forgot to tell you the side effects for first time users," he chuckles.

"You're an asshole," I place my hand on my knees to lift myself up. Jeez, I feel dizzy and light headed.

When I finally stabilized myself, I began to look around. This is definitely not what I expected. I expected fire everywhere.

It seems like we're underground. The scenery was red but luxurious. "This is where you stay when you're not with me?"

"Yes," he nods, walking down a path into a different room. The furniture was lavish. I think everything in this room costs more than my soul.

There was a man sleeping on the couch with his leg hanging off the side and his other hanging over the couch's arm. His arm was covering his eyes as his chest slowly rises then falls.

He looks so peaceful. I would hate to disturb him. He may not be so peaceful if I do.

"That's Pride," Envy kicks the couch. "Wake up you egotistical fuck. We have a guest."

The man turns his back to us, dismissing us. Envy runs his hand down his face, "I can't believe I'm about to do this."

I stepped back as he disappears down a hallway then came back with a bucket of hot water. "Y-You're going to burn him?"

"Calm down, it won't hurt him." Envy says, swinging the entire bucket on top of him. The water splashes everywhere, causing him to instantly jump up.

"What the hell?" Pride growls, pushing his wet
hair out of his face. His shirt was now soaked and clinging to his abs, showing every define detail.

Oh my.

He had slight stubble complimenting his sharp facial features. Every sin isn't demonic looking it seems. His brown curly hair flops over his forehead and his eyes were a violet purple.

"This is Vixen," Envy introduces me. "He's the mate-," Pride grumbles, "I know." He wipes his face with his large hand before glancing up at me from where he was sitting. His intense eyes examined me from head to toe with no shame, "You're not exactly what I was expecting." His accent was something foreign to my ears.

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