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| Vixen's POV

Ten years later....

My whole life has been about this moment; a moment where I get to see my kids playing in the front yard through the kitchen window while I washed the dishes.

It was a Saturday so they didn't have school. I somehow convinced Thierno to allow us to move into this suburban area where a lot of shapeshifters were known to live amongst the humans.

Basim was ecstatic about the idea and they managed to find their own house not too far away but we were located in the same neighborhood. It took some time for Thierno to adjust since he was used to being alone but he would occasionally glare at people who would pass by our house whether they were exercising or just walking by.

Strong arms wrapped around my waist, blessing me with this intoxicating smell. "Good morning," his husky deep voice made me blush and I craned my neck back against his chest as he leans down and smashed his lips against mine while turning me around to where my butt hit the kitchen counter. He grabbed my waist and lifted me up which elicited a laugh as I push my hands against his chest, "W-Wait, the pups could walk in at any moment!" I whisper-shouted while I glanced over my shoulder to look out the window to make sure they weren't being peeping toms.

"And?" His dark brow raised as he connected our lips once more and I wrapped my arms around his neck, groaning against his tasty lips. "I love you so much," I whispered. He smiled through the kiss while gripping my hips with firmness, "I love you more." As I ran my hands through his dark curly hair, I nipped at his lower lip until the front door opened which caused me to shy away, breaking the kiss with a gentle blush tainting my cheeks.

"Ew," a slightly deep voice expressed.

Zuko, my youngest son by only a few minutes since his brother decided to welcome himself into the world first, was chewing gum while bouncing a soccer ball on his knees, passing it between both with a consistent rhythm. His obsidian colored hair danced due to his bouncing movement and his chocolate eyes remained on the ball. He wore his favorite soccer jersey while having white sleeves that hugged his arms underneath with shorts that stopped right above his knees and white socks that reached right below them.

He has an obsession with soccer as you can see and he devoted his life to becoming one of the world's best soccer players.

And he was already taller than me...

I jumped down from the counter and smiled at him before I asked, "Where is your brother?" I noticed he was no longer in the front yard.

Zuko stopped in his movement, allowing the soccer ball to fall to the floor before he reached down then tucked it underneath his arm, "I think he went down the street to see Deimos." He looks down at me with a grin.

"Without asking me?!" I frantically asked then glanced over my shoulder to see Thierno glaring down at our son with his muscular arms crossed.

"Uh..see, what had-."

"Go get your brother," Thierno snapped at him and Zuko groaned and ran out the door, dropping his soccer ball while doing so.

I sighed as I looked at the muddy spots on the kitchen floor where I had just mopped. "What am I going to do with them?" I ask my mate who chuckled at my question.

"They know I measure their heights every two months on the first Saturday!" I threw my hands in the air as I walked down the hallway towards Micah's room but before I did so, I opened Zuko's room to find his clothes all over the place; on the bed, the television and even the closet door. I shook my head, clearly disappointed in his living habits.

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