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Welcome to the panic room.


| Vixen's POV

My best friend Piper showed up to my house after three very long days. I've been lounging around my parent's house for moon goddess knows how long. I've been devouring every spice available and my mother had a panic attack about them all being gone.

Jalapeño peppers were really good.

Since Alpha Zylon left to visit Apollo's pack, everything has been calm. Eskimo was in charge while he was gone so he didn't really bother us. Which is why Piper was able to come visit anyway.

Piper sat next to me while scribbling something in her notebook. Today was her birthday and she finally felt at ease. Her parents weren't home so we decided to spend today together since we didn't for my birthday.

It felt refreshing to have a nice, calm day to ourselves. Thierno had to leave to handle some business back at the Sun Kingdom which was good since Piper wanted to stop by. Tiberias was tidying my room up which left me feeling like a slob. He was such a neat freak but I found it adorable.

"Dearest, Eskimo, Gunner and a few others are stopping by soon. They wanted to celebrate Piper's birthday," my mother informs with excitement. "And since she's back, they all wanted to join us for dinner."

"I was wondering why you were cooking earlier. You cooked enough for two villages," I tease her while resting my head on Piper's shoulder. She groaned with a look of 'really?'

"Excited, no?" My mother winks at me before dancing back into the kitchen while shaking her hips as she held a spatula, using it as a microphone. She was singing one of her favorite tunes.

"I don't think I want people who bullied me to come visit me for my birthday but it's whatever," Piper shrugged and continued to draw pictures.

"Eskimo was always nice to us," I uttered, replying to her comment. She pushed her new glasses up before she frowned, "He might've been nice but he's even worse because he stood by and let it happen."

"You have a point." I didn't argue nor go against her logic because she was always right. Today, her blonde hair was down and covering her shoulders.

I'm glad my best friend has finally healed completely and looked healthy compared to only weeks ago. She was returning back to her old self and that's all I've prayed for. I rest my eyes by fluttering my eyelids shut and allowed the silence to flow. Piper's soft exhales of breathes was the only the music I needed.

My mother's singing was a melodic tune that I found myself drifting deep into. It suppressed all of my fears concerning my baby. I found myself knowing that I would love and cherish my unborn son despite his title. I will teach him how to survive in this cruel world. I knew he would have a friend while growing up because Deimos would be by his side. I felt it in my soul that they would be great partners since Basim and I got along so well.

Tiberias enters the room and approaches us with soft features and relaxed shoulders. He was also enjoying this vacation and I felt bliss at that fact. "Done cleaning?"

"Yes." He nods as his eyes drifted to Piper who kept her eyes focused on her notebook. This happy feeling kept consuming my heart.

My mother pranced into the room with a bright smile, staring at my mate, "Tiberias! You're going to be joining us for Piper's birthday dinner in thirty minutes, yea?"

"Birthday?" Tiberias says with confusion evident in his features before he sent her a soft smile, "Of course, Lexa."

I giggle at his reaction before I stood up from my seat next to Piper and grabbed my mate's hand then led him back upstairs to my bedroom. "I've been wanting alone time with you." I whispered.

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