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Friends don't look at friends that way.


| Apollo's POV

I needed to go running. I haven't been my old self for so long that I almost forgot how it felt to be a warrior.

It didn't feel great having to constantly look over my shoulder to make sure we weren't being watched but being here in this mansion put me at a little ease.

As long as Lauv was safe.

I was currently doing pushups on the side of my bed with my shirt off, only having white joggers on. Sweat trickled down my face and chest as I pushed myself to the limits.

I heard a lot of commotion downstairs. Probably that woman again. She's extremely loud which gave me a headache.

I questioned a lot of things about this place but I kept it to myself. I didn't trust that tiger shifter. There was something odd about his aura that I sensed.

I couldn't concentrate so I pushed myself up with my palms then grabbed a towel, tossing it over my head. I leave my room, trying to hear what's going on more clearer.

"Tell me it's not true Tiby! You couldn't have possibly found your mate so soon!" Ophelia exclaims.

"It's true," he replies so calmly compared to her irrational attitude.

"Who is it?" She seethes.

He places his hand around Vixen. "I thought it was quite obvious." Her nose scrunched up as she placed her hands on her hips. "Then how come he hasn't been introduced to the Moon Kingdom?! You know they'll be wanting to meet your mate as soon as possible."

"I have no need in taking him there yet," he says, already tired of her. She pouts, "When did this happen? I can't believe this." The crazy lady starts walking back and forth.

"B-But, Tiby, we had plans." She sniffles. Anyone from a mile away could see that she's fake crying for attention.

"I agreed to those plans in case I never found my mate." Tiberias rubs the temple of his nose. "We have to go. I don't have time for childish nonsense."

She looks as if she's not done with that conversation yet but she decides to let it go for the greater good.

So she isn't dumb.

She stomps her proud ass back up to her room, slamming the door behind her.

Vixen was extremely red in the face after that scene she caused. He was avoiding contact with his mate until he looks up at me. He gave me a smile when I didn't deserve it.

I've been nothing but an asshole to him for this. To him, I was miserable here but I was content. I didn't need anyone to look after my brother and I. It was a simple as that.

"Apollo! You've finally came out of that room." He teases. Didn't he know that making small talk with me made his mate want to kill me even more?

The tiger shifter was observing our encounter with one another but anyone with a mind knew he'd kill me if I didn't mean so much to Vixen.

That's the tiger shifter that I know.

"Yea. I was feeling a bit sluggish so I had to work out." I reply, refusing to give his mate any type of attention since he was staring blades into my chest.

My only concern is that he knows of that night that I almost fucked his mate.

A simple fuck wouldn't have affected me like it probably would Vixen. He seems like the type to get attached so I had to stop myself.

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