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A mother's love has no boundaries.


| Vixen's POV

I was furious at Thierno. I crossed my arms, growling at him. "You won't dismiss me. I'm not some play toy for you that you just get rid of whenever you want to."

I didn't know where all of this was coming from but it felt good to get it out.

He grabs my shirt, lifting me to his height with a smirk. "I don't know what your issue is. No one is getting rid of you. Get ahold of yourself or I'll take your ass back home."

Xosha taps her foot, constantly checking the watch on her left wrist.

"No. You deliberately ignored me and expect me to just follow you like a lost puppy?!" It took everything in me to not slap the mess out of him but he'd probably enjoy it.

"Listen," his grip on my shirt tightened as he brought me closer to his face. "You're going to behave or I'm going to make you wish you would have. You're going to walk your tiny little ass up this path and you're going to meet my mother. After that, I'll take you home and if you want to continue being a brat there, I'll treat you like one and make you wish you never knew me." He said with quiet intensity, making eye contact with me.

He sat me back down on the ground. I bit my lower lip, swallowing every complaint I had. I didn't want to experience his rage. Not today, at least.

"You're an asshole," I grumble.

My mate didn't reply as he began walking with Xosha following close behind. We were walking on this path that swirled around the grassy mountain.

"From here, we'll be entering the invisibility field." Xosha says.

Thierno didn't take another step forward as he looks at Xosha, "She only wants Vixen to enter. Care to explain?"

Xosha's eyebrows furrowed. "She didn't tell me that." She had panic in her eyes, scared of what he might do to her for this simple mistake.

"You're on your own from this point Vixen." Thierno turns to me. "But I won't be far away. Just scream my name and I'll come to your aid."

I nod, "Okay."

For some reason, I wasn't scared to meet Calypso on my own. I step through the invisibility field and the world was completely different compared to the illusion it was giving on the outside.

There was a beach with pure golden sand and the water was a baby blue. Waves were clashing, colliding and cascading with each other. The sky gave an illusion of a beautiful night with luminous stars so bright, I could tell they were more than just regular burning balls of gas.

As I walk through the sand, I hug myself since it was a little windy but overall, it felt nice. I was mesmerized by the scenery.

I saw a woman sitting in the sand with her legs tucked underneath her while she watches the ocean and its song.

"Moon goddess?" As I approached her more cautiously, I got a better look at her.

She was extremely short. Her long white hair was French braided into one huge piece as it still was long enough to rest on the sand.

She looks like a... child.

But she has features that make up to resemble one of a woman's. She wore a blue radiant dress with diamonds aligned on the hem with straps on her shoulders.

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