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Can't you see me?


| Vixen's POV

I approached Tiberias first. After interrogating Amigo, he was lounging around once he was done talking to Alucard.

Tiberias' cloudy eyes were hard as he continued to stare at Amigo who was looking exhausted. The man didn't deserve this treatment but he's the least of my worries right now.

"Tiberias, I need you to come with me." I said to him with a squint of my eyes, grabbing his hand without hesitation.

He didn't question me and just followed me. I searched the room for Thierno, finding him talking to Pride. "Thierno! I need you too!"

Thierno and Pride both looked at me. He leaves Pride instantly and approaches me with a smirk, "I don't think this is the appropriate time for a threesome."

A blush formed on my cheeks but I just grabbed his hand and lead them both out the door into our backyard where it was quiet and all three of us was alone.

I was going to use the brothers against themselves. Sure, it sounded horrible but that was the only thing I could do. I didn't know everything about them yet and only they knew information about each other.

Tiberias and Thierno sent a confused look towards each other then provided me with their full attention.

"What's going on?" Tiberias asks with soft eyes.

"I need you two to ask the other questions only you would know. Please, don't ask why but just do it." I bit my lower lip.

Thierno's eyebrows knit together before he crossed his arms and looks at his brother.

Tiberias sent me a questioning look while turning to face the dark haired brother. "I trust Vixen is doing this for a good reason that he won't disclose yet."

Thierno shot the first question, "When I was younger, I wanted this one specific book for my eleventh birthday, what genre was it? And you should remember since this is the only birthday I ever received anything."

Tiberias' tongue darts out, licking his lower lip as he crossed his arms then answered, "You were a nerd around that time so you wanted a science nonfiction based book that was about... the biological and geological history of this planet."

"And the name?"


I continue to watched them, trying to catch anything out of the ordinary but if Mythos was truly one of them then he had them down pat.

The white haired brother clears his throat then scoffed, "This is pointless."

I was starting to suspect Tiberias because surely he wouldn't back down from easy questions.

"There's one thing that we wanted to take to our graves, that no other soul knows about," Tiberias eyes hardened as he glared at his brother. "What was it, brother?"

Thierno shifts uncomfortably as his jaw tightened before he said, "The death of our brother."

"Pardon?" My eyes drift between the two as they stared at each other with a look of hatred.

"Explain what happened," Tiberias said with no emotion and his eyes were cold.

Thierno shoves his hands into his pockets as he chuckled, looking away from us. "Teivel wanted him dead because he wasn't his seed so.. we-."

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now