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Rewrite the stars.


| Vixen's POV

My head shot up as I blinked, looking everywhere around me. I was currently laying in my bed in my old bedroom. I held my baby bump as I slang my legs over the bed until I glanced over my shoulder to see Thierno sleeping with his back to the headboard and his arms folded over his chest with his ankles crossed. His dark curly hair fell over his eyelids.

He's wearing different clothes so he must've left for a few. I wonder how long I've been asleep. I grabbed the bedsheet, tossing it from over my legs then snuck out of the bed.

My thoughts roamed to Alpha Zylon's feast.

I missed it!

The first time I've ever been invited to one of their feasts and I fell asleep after showering with my mate. I wonder if he attended without me. And my mind was still worried about Tiberias. Everything came rushing back to me all at once.

I waddled into the bathroom and turned the lights on. While staring at my reflection in the mirror, I pulled my pink pajamas up and stared at my belly through the reflection while slowly caressing the sides. "I think it's time that we took a vacation, yea?"

I was thankful that I didn't have morning sickness. The body aches and cramps were an occasional thing now. I never really took a look at myself lately. I wasn't the same slim omega. I gained a little weight, appearing more healthy but I suppose Meiko was right about my body preparing for my baby's arrival.

I rest my hand on the sink's surface, leaning forward while I got a closer look at my skin. I was practically glowing and radiant.

After doing my morning routine of self-care, I exit the bathroom to see Thierno still sleeping. However, his brows were slightly furrowed.

Was he having a nightmare?

I decided to not wake him since I know immortals didn't need to sleep but I suppose they do it to rid of time. I went into my closet and threw on something comfortable because I really didn't feel the need to get all dressed up.

I felt like staying inside today.

I took one last glance over my shoulder at my sleeping mate before quietly exiting the room, leaving the door slightly cracked. Then, I made my way downstairs to see my mama and papa sitting on the couch bickering with each other.

"-I'm just saying, Lexa, you didn't need to touch his face," my father grumbled after taking a sip of his coffee.

"The poor man looked like a train ran over him. Don't tell me you're actually jealous of our son's mate," my mother chuckles while holding a plate, lifting a cup to her lips.

"I'm not. I just don't feel like you needed to touch him and then you embarrassed me because my size doesn't fit him. You think I'm scrawny." My father huffs.

My mother shook her head before saying, "You're being a big baby, Leo. You know your clothes were too small for him."

"They could've fit.."

"Yeah, on your pinky-," she scoffs, sitting the plate down on the coffee table.

"My pinky-," my father's nose flared.

"-toe," she looks away as he glared at her. She was patting her lap while whistling until her eyes landed on me. "Vixen! You're finally awake!"

"Yea, I am." I chuckle as my father sent me a slight nod before focusing his attention back on his mate.

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