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Let me down slowly.


| Apollo's POV

Night approached quicker than expected. For hours, I slept to regain my energy from that long journey of running. No one bothered me so I was appreciative of that. It was nerve wracking that after tonight, I could be an actual alpha but then I wouldn't be able to leave. I didn't think this one through since I was hit with a plethora of things at once.

Shit ain't make sense to me because I was being thrown into a completely different setting. And they don't think this is rushing. Sure, I've been a pack member all of my life and I know almost everything that goes on with the pack because Torak trusted me but I kinda felt that I had to become their alpha now.

I did kill Torak.

Those words keep repeating in my head and the more I thought about it, I started to feel guilty.

The people didn't need someone like me leading and so I made my decision.

I was going to confess to my sins and if they still wanted me as their alpha then I would stay.

The traditional ceremonial ritual was in preparation. Amarok has been known to be quite judgmental when it came to who is protector over his wolves. He's one of the oldest wolves to ever exist.

I pace back and forth, awaiting for Tiki to come get me whenever they were ready to start. Minutes kept ticking away and I grew anxious.

This would be the best time to have Lauv by my side. He could make light of any situation with his wit. He was always positive about everything life threw his way.

Soft footsteps stopped on the other side of the door then they knocked. "Apollo?" My mother's voice was soothing.

I opened the door to find Tiki standing there with a smile glued on her lips. She places her hands on my face then pulled my head against hers, "I love you, my handsome son. You are going to do great." Her words of encouragement were not enough to ease this pit feeling in my stomach.

"Is Amarok here?" I ask, looking down into her green eyes. She nods, releasing my face. "My sons are here as well. Everyone is here to see you become the new alpha. You will be a great leader."

I wrap my arms around her waist, pushing my face into the crook of her neck as I exhaled a soft sigh, "I hope I can. I really do. Thank you for being by my side."

She returns the hug while running her nails up and down my back, "Stop being nervous." She whispers. "You'll be an amazing alpha."

I release her then nod. "You're right. I'm perfect for this but I'm going to confess to killing Torak."

Tiki's eyes widened as her smile fell. "W-Why would you do that?"

"They need to know." I shrug.

"Son, I..um.. okay. I just hope they're willing to see that your intentions were pure." Tiki sighs. "You know how they can be."

"I know. Whatever happens, happens."

"They're ready." Tiki divulged.

Tiki and I exit the mansion, walking side by side while occasionally glancing at each other. I could tell she was nervous and worried for me.

My pack has always been very religious and very stern on their beliefs.

So, murder didn't cut it.

But I didn't kill him for just any reason. I was going to put it all out there. I was going to explain to the people that I was forced to do it by my own will.

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now