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Betas are the face of the pack.


| Vixen's POV

He had to be furious. At this very moment, he had to be furious. I can't imagine what I just dragged myself into. I should've stayed with the pack, "I-I came looking for you."

His face showed no emotion like usual. Blood drips from the fangs aligned in the corner of his mouth. He retracts them before taking a step towards me.

"P-please, don't hurt me. I don't know if you're upset at the fact that I didn't show up when you did or if you think I ditched you. I would never." I cough into my fist before tears start to swell in my already puffy eyes. Things were already starting to become blurry.

"The next time you come looking for me, I will kill you in the most imaginable way you can think of," his threat left shivers running down my spine.

"I-I wanted your help." My lip quivered.

He wipes the leftover blood on his lip away with his thumb then licks it, groaning as his eyes began to show excitement. "Your family," he starts.

"What about my family?!" I ask, lifting myself off of the cold ground.

"You will be their demise if you ever step foot into my territory again," he smirks wickedly as if that's the only pleasure he gets from life; torturing others.

"I guess everyone was right about you. There's truthfully nothing humane about you. I don't know why I ever thought I could seek help from you."

"Quite foolish you are indeed." He stood there, watching my every movement. I could feel it but I couldn't bring myself to look up.

"You won't have to worry about me again," I mumble while turning on my heel to walk away. A soft breeze engulfs me. I look over my shoulder to see that he's gone.


Everything Piper and I spoke on was just utter crap. A wolf and a tiger could never be friends. Especially an ancient one if what Koi said was true.

I lost my only friend searching for this asshole of a person only to see that he's nothing I imagined him to be. My hatred began to boil. I should've heed their warnings.

I was lost in my thoughts for the remainder of the long walk back to my pack. I hugged myself as tears kissed my flushed cheeks.

I cried simply for the fact that Piper lost her life for this and I couldn't fulfill it. All for me.

"Oh moon goddess, please let her have reached you. If she's listening, tell her I'm sorry." I whimpered, wiping away these fresh tears with the back of my hand.

As I made it to the border, I was expecting a rampage of angry wolves coming at me for not following alpha's orders.

No one came.

I walk through the trees, coming across Gunner with his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes which were full of rage met my soft, vulnerable ones. He didn't speak a word and just stepped to the side for me to pass.

I didn't care if he beat me to a pulp or not. I've been hurt enough but this simple act has me in shock. I pass him, keeping my head down. I expected a insult but it never came.

"Don't let it happen again," is all he says.

Trust me, it won't.


𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now