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Only feel like myself when I'm with you.


| Apollo's POV

My days have been slow. I was locked up in this office doing constant paperwork while Envy remained in my room, recovering from whatever Mythos did to him. Apparently his recovery rate was slowed right now.

Shiro knocks on the door before peeking his head in with a smile, "Mornin' alpha."

"What is it?" I ask.

"Some alphas from other packs are coming today to welcome you as our new found leader," he said while placing a stack of papers on my desk.

"Who?" All of this was irritating. I haven't had time to myself since I came back. Everything was too much right now and not to mention my mother has been pestering me about having a luna.

She delayed the meeting where I'll be choosing my own luna since they believed my mate rejected me.

Shiro tried to skim through the papers quick and accidentally dropped the sheets on the floor; being the clumsy medic I have learned. "S-Sorry, alpha. Um, our visitors will be Alpha Malik, Alpha Zylon and Alpha Echo. They'll be arriving today."

"And why isn't my beta telling me this?" I lean back into my chair while I tapped the pen against the wooden surface.

"Uhh, well, you see, he's a little afraid..to be around you right now." Shiro shrugged.

"He's afraid to-," I stopped mid sentence and rose from my seat. "Where is Amigo?"

"He's currently helping out in the training sessions with the younger wolves. They've been a little rebellious lately so." Shiro says and I stormed out of my office, striding towards the exit with Shiro following close behind.

Amigo needs to stop being a bitch and talk to me. In order for this pack to strive, he's going to over come that fear that something will happen to him again.

This is a fucking wolf pack for crying out loud.

"Um, by the way alpha," Shiro began to say but I cut him off, "Not right now Shiro." My attention was on my beta who made pussy cats seem like lions.

"But alpha, this is really important. I think you're going to want to hear this," Shiro matches my long strides but occasionally jogged to keep up.

"Shiro, if my pack isn't being threatened then there's nothing that will turn my attention away from-."

"Tiki found you a mate from another pack and they're going to be arriving later today," Shiro said all in one breath.

"Okay? Nothing new." I chuckle at his worried expression until he said, "It's Oryn, Alpha Titan's son."

I damn near fell on my face.

I stopped and turned towards my medic, "You're kidding, right?"

The Night Shade pack and our pack have been enemies for who knows how long. Torak never had a liking to Titan and our packs have been at war many times.

So why in the hell are they offering me his son?

"No alpha, I'm not joking at all." Shiro sighed. "This was set up because Tiki thought it would be best to settle the differences and Alpha Titan agreed once his son showed interest."

Oryn had interest in me?

Shiro continues, "This would end the war that has been constant between our packs for years. It is said that Alpha Titan is only willing since Alpha Torak is no longer alive; starting fresh, I mean."

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