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I'm a fabulous chicken nugget.


| Vixen's POV

"Why are you two running?" My mother asks, hanging our clothes on the hook line to dry. You see, my mom was always the type to never trust technology these days. She's literally lost when it comes to understanding the twentieth century...

"No reason," Piper lies.

"Hmm, okay," my mom continues to do laundry.

In our pack, it's the woman's job to stay home and take care of the pups while the men went out to hunt and work. A bit sexist to me but I never spoke on it. There was no need for me, a male omega, to point out. I had no right. My voice would be overlooked by everyone. Only the top wolves and women get respect.

I hate myself.

Every day I wake up, I find a new insecurity, a new pointless thing about myself. Why did the moon goddess give me this unforgivable life?

What was my purpose?

I returned back to reality, noticing that Piper was staring at me with an 'are you coming?' look. I followed her into my room. We both sat down, criss-cross applesauce on the carpet beside my small bed.

We weren't the richest family in our pack but we had something from how much my dad worked to be able to feed and cloth us.

"Okay, so...you're completely insane to think we could ever win over that tiger shifter! Completely deluded!" She threw her hands in the air, gawking at me.


He was big, my self conscious adds.

"They hate anything entering their territory, you ignorant brute," Piper heaves a sigh.

"He's close to our borders though. You don't think he haven't entered our territory from mere curiosity?" I ask.

"No." Piper blinks, twirling her index finger with strands of her hair wrapping around every loop.

I began to grow confident. I thought out a plan for me to gain his trust. Maybe the tiger was nicer than people let on? Of course there were rumors about him being merciless, rude and completely a sadist.

Okay, the sadist part was from Piper.

I trembled from how cold it had gotten. I hugged myself, staring at Piper who seemed to be just fine.

"Are you anemic?" Piper asks.

"What does that mean?" I grumpily ask.

"Well," Piper snorts, pushing her glasses up her nose with her middle finger. A habit she has when she's about to full out drop facts.

"Anemia," she began. "It occurs when an individual doesn't have enough red blood cells circulating and carrying oxygen throughout the body." She says confidently.

"And how does that come back to me exactly?" I was still left in the dark. I felt stupid when it came to Piper. I was the exact opposite of her and I wondered how she could put up with my idiocy 24/7.

She looks at me as if I had grown a second head. She pinches the bridge of her nose before diverting her eyes to the ceiling, "A symptom of anemia includes feeling cold."

A shiver sprouts down my spine and I quickly sat up straighter, "What in the barnacle boy was that?" Piper's eyes widen at my reflexes.

"I don't know. I'm just very cold," I shift my position to be on my knees as I reach over my bed to grab my turquoise blanket.

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now