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I found peace in your violence.


| Vixen's POV

Tiberias decided that it was best not to inform Thierno anything of his past. He feared that he would go on another rampage. It was late at night now and Tiberias felt the need to seek help from the sins on this matter.

I've never seen him so determined to fix anything. I knew he cared for his brother and that warmed my heart. Although he obviously had a disliking towards the sins, he sat his pride aside and forced Envy to call all of them to the mansion.

Thierno was outside, taking a stroll through the garden. Yes, I said it. A stroll through the garden. All the dark lingering aura around him has gone and was replaced with such a calming presence.

Tiberias sighed as all the sins began appearing one by one. Pride being the first to show and Greed being the last.

"Black magic." Tiberias didn't waste time. "Explain how it works and how it can possibly be reversed."

All of the sins remained quiet.

"So no one has an answer?" Tiberias deep voice broke through the silence. "All of you have a mouth on you so start talking." My mate was angry and it was showing. He glared at each and every single sin.

Lust giggles, "Depends on what kind of black magic you're asking about."

"One that a sorceress would use." Tiberias' patience was dropping quick.

"Ah, well, black magic can be reversed with blood shed." Lust explains. "For example," he turns his dark eyes towards me. "Let's say you were cursed, my favorite omega, usually the sorceress would plant the ripe fruit onto someone you love."

"Or you could kill the sorceress which would reverse everything she has ever done but that would take someone more powerful than all of us combined." Pride says as he sat down next to Sloth. He frowns, "You smell different."

"No one has explained the situation since we've been here." Greed points out.

"Thierno lost his memory and is no longer mated to Vixen." Sloth explained.

"You're telling me is that all I have to do is kill the damn sorceress and everything she has done would be reversed?" Tiberias chuckled.

"Yes, everything." Wrath cuts in. "Meaning you possibly won't be mated to Vixen anymore."

"No." I cut in. "We won't go down that path."

Maybe this wasn't a bad thing. Thierno seemed to be at peace with himself and there were no hatred around his heart.

Thierno would be happier this way, right?

"I want my brother back regardless of a mate bond." Tiberias sent a look my way, crossing his arms.

"That would mean he would get all of those horrible memories back?" Tears pricked at my eyes. "Maybe it's best that he doesn't remember. We can't be selfish."

I thought back to baby Thierno who was excited to find his mate and live a quiet life with them. Although my heart bled at the fact that he'd possibly have another mate but who was I to stop that?

"Who are we to decide if he wants to be happy or go back to a life full of memories that constantly haunts him throughout his immortal life?!" My voice unwillingly grew higher as my passion towards this situation grew.

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now