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| Vixen's POV

Thierno had immediately arrived and took us back to the mansion after seeing the state his brother was in. The constant rambles and noises he made was never seen before and that scared me.

I was sat on the couch while holding my swollen belly, waiting for Thierno to return. Tiberias secluded himself in a dark room, shutting both of us out.

I couldn't help but replay that entire scene in my head over and over. The look on my mate's face, the horror, fear, and raw emotion in his eyes...

The way he snapped and nothing else mattered around him scared the crap out of me. I've never seen him behave like that before nor lose his cool. He was always calm and collected with his emotions.

So..why did he react like that towards Gunner?

That same feeling whenever he was upset happened but it was much colder this time. Like a iceberg melting, revealing what's underneath the surface.

Has he always been this way but played me like a fool?

Did he deliberately manipulate me into thinking he was a nice person?

All of these questions flooded my thoughts and I couldn't seem to find the answers on my own because no matter what conclusion I came to, he always seemed genuine in his actions.

It has been hours since the occurrence happened and I needed to relax for my baby. It didn't make any sense to me but I couldn't just sit here and allow my emotions to run all over the place.

Thierno approached me with a glass of water and handed it to me. "Here."

I thanked him while wholeheartedly accepting the glass and gulped it down in less than one minute. I hadn't realized how parched I was.

"Thierno," I paused after taking my last sip. "H-He kept repeating these words. I-It was scary."

He stood in silence while focusing on my face. The look on his face meant that he didn't know what this could be too. He was just as lost as I was.

I refused to cry anymore because there was nothing left. "H-He killed Gunner a-and it's like nothing else mattered to him in that moment, Thierno. He wouldn't react to me. It's like he was lost in his own mind." I tried my best to explain to my clueless mate but he released a sigh.

"Do you think he has calmed down since then?" Thierno asked while shifting on his feet.

My mate looked exhausted but I wasn't able to comfort him since I was too focused on Tiberias. There was more to him and I needed to know what it was because I'm sure my wolf pack has erupted in uproar since Gunner should be found dead by now.

"I don't know but we need to talk to him," I rose to my feet and grabbed his hand. "I need to understand what is happening with him."

Thierno rests his hand on my shoulder and nodded, "I trust that he won't hurt you but I will be joining you to be sure. I can't risk anything happening to you."

Is this what things have come to now?

I never thought I'd have to be scared that own my mate would inflict harm on me. My thoughts roamed to the words he kept repeating.

Perfect. I have to be perfect.

Those words kept repeating in my head and I couldn't understand why he felt the need to be flawless. Everyone has their own flaws and should be able to live with them but there has to be something more to it. I refuse to believe that Tiberias was a murderer without reason.

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now