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| Vixen's POV

Sloth took me to a secluded place where no one could get in. It's been hours since then. We were sitting here in silence. He wasn't a talkative person and I understood that but I was here alone and my thoughts were eating at me. The only thing that was distracting me was admiring the beauty of the sin, trying to decipher him without asking questions.

That was until Envy and Lust appears right before us. I jump up, "Is everyone okay?!" I ask.

Both stayed quiet.

"Envy," I turn towards the more familiar sin. "D-Did something happen?"

"Basim sacrificed himself to kill the moon goddess." He explains.

"What?!" I was in disbelief. "B-Basim can't be dead. I refuse to believe that. Why would he kill the moon goddess? She told me he was her most trusted warrior." My heart felt like it was shattered into a million little pieces.

All of my conversations with Basim would be a memory now. I couldn't help but cry for the loss of my friend.

"Because she was the one behind trying to kill you the entire time." Lust elaborates.


"N-No, you're fibbing. That can't be true. I've met her and she seems so-."

"It's true." Envy confirms.

I sniffle, pacing back and forth as I began to think of everything leading up until now. Calypso was the one who planned to have me dead then.

"W-What about Wrath? Wasn't Basim his mate?" I ask.

"Wrath is suffering. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if he took his own life." Envy looks at Lust. "But there's other news as well."

"Please, I don't want to hear anymore. I just can't stomach the fact that Basim is really gone." I mutter as breathing became harder. "Lauv will be destroyed."

"Vixen, I think you're really going to want to hear this." Envy persists.

I toss my hands into the air. "What could possibly be so important Envy? Please tell me!"

"Tiberias and Thierno are no longer in the same body." He explains. "There was another way to break the curse which was the death of Calypso."

I paused.

"E-Excuse me? Where are they? I need to see them now!" I was becoming more frantic by the second.

Sloth yawns.

"Back at the den of sins." Lust says.

"Take me there now." I was happy to be leaving this place. Envy nods, teleporting us to where my mates were located.

Greed was standing next to two bodies that were laid side by side to each other. "Greetings, Vixen." He nods his head at me.

"A-Are they okay?" I ask, approaching my mates.

"They've been unresponsive for the past couple of hours." Greed lowered his tone.

The brothers were so still that it doesn't even look like they're alive. I couldn't hear any breathing from them which made me panic. "A-Are they alive?"

"Very much so." Greed answers. "They're in a state where only they can decide if they wish to wake up. However, Tiberias' pulse is slightly feeble compared to Thierno's."

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