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The Child is the Alpha and the Omega of a parent's happiness.


| Vixen's POV

"You're an omega." My father read the test results out loud. My mother who was also an omega was over joyed in the most saddening way. She had hoped I wouldn't become an omega like her since she grew up in such a hostile environment.

That day when I found out that I was an omega, it spread like a wildfire. Everyone in the pack knew that I, little Vixen, was indeed an omega. My father began to ignore me and my mother took care of me the best way she could.

In some way, my family knew I'd become one. I was much smaller than the other males in my age group being at exactly five-foot. I was desperately trying to keep up with them.

Every year, there's an exam that everyone must partake in to see which team rankings they fall into or they can be judged just based off of their scent or body type.

Alphas, Betas, Deltas, Healers, Hunters, and Warriors have their own smells and different respects.

I was always looked down on. I was considered the ugly wolf that no one would ever want. And I learned to accept that. I didn't need anyone but my mate. If I even had one, that is.

I have one friend and her name is Piper. She's also the runt of the litter like I. We became friends after I found her in the woods, sketching the beautiful northern cardinal bird.

I told her about my fascination with the tiger shifter that no one has yet to come close to. For the past two years, I've been trying to win over the large white tiger.

He was the most beautiful animal I've ever laid my eyes on. His fur was the purest of white accompanied with the finest black of stripes aligned in such a spectacular way. He was larger than every wolf I've met. Even larger than my Alpha's wolf.

"Since you're turning eighteen in a few weeks...you want to continue pursuing this tiger shifter? What if you're doing this for nothing and your mate is out there, just waiting for you?" Piper questions.

"Ugh...look," I pushed my round glasses up. "This is so worth it. I would have the respect of everyone if I had the tiger shifter as a friend. He must get lonely. We could welcome him into our friend group."

Piper sighs, "Tigers are animals that prefer to be alone. They're not like wolves who need to be in a pack."

"You don't know that," I frowned.

"I do." Piper snorts like a pig, pushing her square glasses up her crooked nose-that she got from breaking it when she was little. "In fact, tigers are territorial. Their social system is usually connected through scent marks and visual-."

"My brain! Please! I can't take it anymore," I groan.

"I've just begun. Don't be a pillock," Piper rolls her eyes.

"I'm not. I'm not. I just-." A random frisbee flew in my direction in which Piper quickly grabbed my shoulder, forcing me to duck.

"Oi! Sorry bout' that chap. I ain't see ye' there," a small smirk forms on his lips.

"Of course. Those two eyeballs popping out of your head isn't enough?" Piper snaps.

"Aye, watch your mouth. He's your beta, runt," another male appeared. He has a large physique, broad muscles but not as big as the beta male known as Eskimo.

"Calm ye' self, Gunner." The beta chuckles, crossing his arms as he stared down at both Piper and I.

"She should apologize," Gunner growls.

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