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Two-Faced Lovers.


| Basim's POV

When I woke up, Mercy brought my son to me. I was overjoyed with love, adoration and gratitude. If they knew how long I've been waiting to have a baby, they'd think I was crazy. My baby was so adorable with his chubby cheeks and I was told he has eyes that resembles Wrath's. His curly black hair was so soft. I cradled him in my arms as I smelled his hair, gently massaging his small back.

His name is Deimos.

His small hands curled up, wrapping around my finger as I tickled his nose. Even if I was currently in pain, that wouldn't stop me from drowning my baby in affection.

I'm thankful for Mercy. He cleaned Deimos then weighed him. He was a normal sized baby, leaning towards the heavier weight though.

He may be tall just like his father when he grows up but I kept thinking about the amount of time I had with him before he grew up.

I stayed in bed for hours just watching him sleep until he woke up, yawning; exposing his pink gums. Deimos eyes fluttered open, exposing emerald green eyes.

Huh.. I was told they were red just like Wrath's but he has my eyes..

Deimos has been extremely quiet, only staring at me just like I did him. I was enthralled by the creature that was removed from my body that I created.

My body was the womb for the blessed fruit that was sweet and ripe, ready to grace me with his presence.

I'm in love.

Now, I knew the feeling of a parent's love for their children. I witnessed, lived and accepted it.

"I love you," I whispered while pinching his chubby cheeks. He grabbed my finger, softly squeezing it. "Your eyes are already open." I chuckle as I remembered something about human babies inability to open their eyes at first.

"And you're so warm." I frown. I didn't know if it was natural for him to be so warm or if he was catching a little cold.

He was only born a few hours ago and already getting sick?!

I was about to get up until the door to the room opened, revealing my mate. He quietly closed the door behind himself, asking, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling alright. I'm still in pain." I say. "Deimos is hot. I think he's catching a fever."

"Has he been fed?" Wrath asked.

"No." I shook my head. "I was waiting on you to be sure that I gave him the proper food."

"Well, that's why I came in here," Wrath held a cup with plastic wrapped around it as a lid. He exposed his fang, pushing it into the plastic as the cup began to fill with a venomous liquid.

I held my baby close to my chest as I gave him a crazed look. "What the hell do you plan to do with that?"

He removes his fang from the plastic, causing a popping sound then he said, "Demon babies can be fed two ways; through devouring souls or through drinking their father's venom. I just wanted to try it and see if he'll take it. He's part archangel too so I don't know what he can and can't have myself."

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