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An alpha is raised, not born.


| Vixen's POV

It was very dark. I sat up then walked towards the door, opening it slowly. There was silence. I close my room door after exiting it.

I haven't heard from Kuro in awhile so I suppose he's not in the mood for bantering. I heard steps coming towards me so I quickly duck off behind a chair since I was small enough.

Tiberias strides into the room but his eyes were now dark and lifeless. His hair was back to messy and he allowed his markings to trace every inch of his skin freely.

"Kuro, are you here?" I gulp, waiting patiently for a response from my wolf. There was no response. I was starting to assume that he was upset at me.

Tiberias' sharp pupils suddenly averted to the corner of his eyes towards my direction. My heart began to race. His lips turn upwards as he exits the room. I didn't stand up until I heard a door close.

I place my hand over my chest, exhaling as I stood to my full height. I went to the direction he came from. It was a small corridor leading to a cracked door down the hall.

I open the door slowly so there wouldn't be any creeks, revealing a dim lit room with no bed in sight. Only a chair and desk resides in the corner of the room with other furniture decorating the bland room.

There was ancient artifacts hanging on the wall. It made me feel uneasy but I swallowed my fear. I approach the desk with the creepy looking book with spikes circulating it. Thank the moon goddess that it was already open.

I couldn't understand this language. I place my index finger against the worn paper, analyzing each word. I glide my finger across each letter, squinting my eyes.

Without knowing the language, the letters look like something the gods would write. I decide to turn the page, flipping the paper that was beginning to rot over.

There were pictures of Egyptians lifting a pharaoh, carrying him into a pyramid until a demon rose from the ground.

The demon had pitch black eyes with a wicked smirk on his face. My heart starts to twist and I felt nauseous. I felt like I shouldn't be seeing this right now.

"Kuro, please, I don't want to be alone," I whisper, turning the page again. This time, there was a picture of an angel and a demon but there was a darkened spot above them.

This made no sense. Why would my mate have this corrupted book?

As I was turning the page again, I heard a door open. I quickly flip the pages back to where they were and then I went to grab the door knob until I heard the door to the corridor open. I look everywhere, only to find a closet.

Oh, I'm so caught. This has to be the most cliche..thing to do but I hid in the closet anyway, peeking through the part where the door latches onto the wall. I crouch down, hugging my knees while hovering my free hand over my mouth.

The room door was sliding open slowly and a shadow pauses before I saw a foot step completely into the room.

It was Tiberias.

I watch closely. He tilts his head back, sniffing the air. A wide smirk creeps onto his perfectly sculpted face. His head then whips into my direction, "My little mate."

I open the closet door, revealing myself. Every blood cell in my body was screaming to run. He crosses his arms as he licks his fang slowly, "Why is my little mate in my room?"

𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐆𝐀'𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 | 𝐌𝐱𝐌𝐱𝐌 |Where stories live. Discover now