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A mate's bond is stronger than hatred.


| Vixen's POV

Upon waking up hours later, I was drenched in sweat. Lights were suddenly flashing in my eyes. I cover my eyes, turning my head away.

"He's okay," a woman's voice was heard quite closer to me than I'd like. "He just needs to take these tablets. Since he's an omega, his pheromones would've drove every unmated animal wilder compared to others in heat."

Alpha Torak frowns, "So he won't have another one of these episodes?"

"Do you possibly know what could've caused this?" She asks. There was a long silence until he answered, "No."

"He is not from this pack, is he? I was wondering why I was called so late." She chuckles.

"No, he is not. He is from the Storm Forest pack." The alpha sounds tired. "How many times a day does he need to take those, Tiki?"

"Every twelve hours since we don't know what caused this," the lady named Tiki says.

"I can't have these types of disturbances in my pack. He will have to go by tomorrow."

"And what if he's unable to control it? What if predators get ahold of him? You don't want that type of rumor going around since he was last seen here." Tiki sighs.

"You're right. I don't need war right now." Alpha Torak walks around the bed, standing over me. I could feel his presence as I pretend to be sleeping.

"Meet me outside," Alpha Torak says.

I heard the door close. I open one eye to see that I was in the clear. I feel like there's more to what he wants to say. I made no noise, heading to the door to eavesdrop.

"Apollo may be his mate. I smell him all over. That could've caused it." He theorized.

Tiki's eyes widened, "Apollo found his mate? Are you going to allow that since your daughter is going to breed with the tiger shifter?"

"No." He sounded pissed now. "If I have to kill this little omega, I will. I don't need my best in command to be clouded by a mate bond." A low growl ruptures from his throat.

"He should be waking up any time soon now," Tiki says. "I don't think you should kill him but it's entirely your choice." She sounded like she was sympathizing for me.

"One thing I don't understand is that he's been here for two days now. I'm starting to think Apollo kept this from me. He's trying to play me like I'm a fool," he growls.

"Maybe he didn't know," Tiki was scared for Apollo. I could tell. Shoot, even I was.

"I suppose I need to remind everyone what will happen if they ever cross me or try to hide shit from me. They all must think I'm some foolish alpha. Tomorrow, I will show what happens when things are kept from me. That fucking tiger shifter will watch too."

"W-What are you going to do to Apollo? Alpha, let's calm down." Tiki's voice trembles in fear.

I cover my mouth as my eyes widen. I need to warn Apollo but I'm sure he's probably going to avoid me ever since what happened.

"Go check up on that meddlesome omega while I tend to some business," he tells her then I heard footsteps. I run back to jump into the bed, throwing the bed sheets over my head. I tried to calm my heart and rapid breathing.

The door opens then closes. There was a bunch of moving going around. "Vixen, wake up." She shakes me gently.

I pretend to groan, flailing around as if I didn't want to get up.

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