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| Mercy's POV

What is love?

Is love supposed to be cruel?

No, that would be far too easy. Love is supposed to burn you, to push you past your limits, to see how willing you are to lay down everything for that person you claim that has your heart.

Are we cruel?

I lay here, next to this man, my mate, who has done nothing but burn me and yet, I lie here willingly; awaiting his every command, beckoning at his feet, admiring the very ground he walks on...

And yet, he brings life where there should be dead crops withering away until they were nothing.

Is love a game that I should play?

Love is not a game; we have made a game out of love and I didn't mind playing it a little while longer until I fell helplessly in the palm of his hands like a fool.

And that's when it was too late to turn back.

No, no hopeless romantic should ever dabble in the devil's heart where there was nothing but a cold interior where life should thrive.

I sat up in this cold bed where my mate rests his head next to me. The bedsheets up to my waist while I turned on my side, resting my weight on my hip to get a better view of this damaged man that I couldn't bring myself to leave.

Mythos, why did you choose me?

I hesitatingly hover my hand over his warm arm with veins revealing themselves underneath his flawless skin. I studied this god from his thick, dark lashes, to his perfect plump lips that rests slightly ajar, allowing a cool breath to grace my space and the way the moon shines down on his melanated skin. His soft, brunette curly hair remained tangled from the constant turns he did in his sleep.

I wonder if he had nightmares like everyone else. There were many questions I wanted to ask my mate but found myself too scared to accept the answer that he may give.

This cold-hearted god was temptingly beautiful but stung when I got too close to unraveling any secrets.

"But if you were the thorns to my roses then that's proof that you can protect yourself while remaining soft," I softly expressed, eyes remaining on my sleeping mate whose brows knitted together ever so slightly.

The excuses I made for the unrequited love I seek from you was too careless. I am simply a chess piece that you use whenever it benefited you. For you do not have room in your heart to allow me to swim in the deepest depths.

But I stay..

"I stay even while you use me and I didn't mind it because I fell in love with you because your broken matched my broken," I admit. How pitiful I must've sounded.

The night sky was the only outlet to my emotions because during the day, he payed me no mind. He didn't look at me but gave me everything that I've ever asked for.

"Why is that?" I ask the forbidden air around me that laughed at my questions, knowing that no one would be able to answer. "Is that your way of showing me love?" My voice barely over a whisper as I continued to ask these insufferable questions.

I willingly bleed myself dry for you, the only person that I care about; without ever stopping to question, when is it enough?

I trail my fingers up his arm, delicately brushing over his muscular, toned abdomen while I examined his sculpted body, broad shoulders, sharp jaw to his imperious nose, and finally his thick brows that brought everything together.

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