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I'll take care of you.


| Basim's POV

The nightmares were consistent. They wouldn't stop and this has been reoccurring since Death visited me. My swollen belly prevented me from doing my daily activities. I could barely put on shoes since bending over took a lot out of me so I stuck to wearing house slippers.

I use my elbows to hoist myself up, groaning as I lift my legs towards the side of the bed, sitting up. I tried to keep quiet since Wrath was currently sleeping after a long week of killing demons in the Sun Kingdom.

Ever since Thierno took over, the demons felt like they could try to overthrow him but they were terribly wrong.

But Wrath has been awfully moody.

I glance over my shoulder to get a look at my mate. He was turned on his back with his head tilted to the side; half of his face hid in the pillow while only his lower half was covered with the silky bedsheets. His chest slowly rose then fell to his breathing pattern.

Sometimes it was overbearing to sleep next to him because his skin was scorching hot. The odd part about it was that he didn't sweat nor react to his body temperature rising so much. I thought he had a fever one night and decided to check his temperature by placing the back of my hand against his forehead.

Let's just say that my hand was almost missing the epidermis of the outer layer of my skin.

I'm surprised the bedsheets haven't caught on fire.

I stood up while holding the side of my baby bump, sliding my swollen feet into my slippers. I quietly walk into the kitchen then grabbed the handle of the refrigerator, opening it.

There was a plethora of citrus fruits, tart cherries, and green mangoes.

I smile since I knew Wrath kept the refrigerator full of my favorite cravings. He treats it like a priority.

Sour fruits were fulfilling in every way now.

After we found that I was having a baby boy by visiting the obstetrician, Dr. Tswana; she was willing to give copies of my ultrasound.

She was stunned to see a male pregnancy and almost documented it but Wrath scared her into silence. He didn't understand the obsession I have with humans and nor did I. He preferred that we visit a wolf pack before a human clinic, stating that their technology was foreign to us which is true.

Good news is that she's now our personal obstetrician who I go to on a regular. It felt amazing to feel normal and live a quiet life with my mate.

I grabbed a grapefruit and began peeling it with a butter knife. Once finished, I sliced them into oval shapes then made my way over to a seat in the living room with the perfectly symmetrical cut grapefruit.

I allowed myself to relax since my back hurt. I devoured the entire grapefruit within seconds; the parched feeling gone.

I could feel movement within my tummy which has me looking down with love. I smile, lifting my shirt up then caressed my belly. "I can't wait for you to meet your daddies." I whisper.

He was growing at a rapid speed. I was informed that I had maybe a month left before I had to perform a c-section.

This would be the first time I've ever had a baby so I was hella nervous.

I needed to think of a name but I was too tired to come up with any. Since immortals don't need to sleep, I solely did it for my baby.

He's a feisty one as well. He constantly moved around in my womb, twisting and turning. If I lay wrong, he'd make it known.

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